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Search results

  1. Luke M

    Macro engaging but not working, and produces error message after running thorough the entire macro.

    Sorry for confusion Eloise. If you have the Project expolorer open in the VBE, it should look like this. If not, go to View - Project Explorer. This is a list of all the "things" you have in your project. You can faintly see that the ThisWorkbook module is highlighted, indicating that this...
  2. Luke M

    Macro engaging but not working, and produces error message after running thorough the entire macro.

    The last line of your code says this Application.OnTime xTime, "StartFlashing", , True Which is saying that after finishing, it will run again at a future time. It's this second time that's failing. Reason is that XL expects regular macros to be stored in code modules, not sheet or...
  3. Luke M

    Excel to VBA code

    Here's your code, simplified down at least. Sub CleanedCode() Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Dangerous, don't know what active cell will be! ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=VLOOKUP(RC[-1],'[PeopleSoft SPR query.xlsx]Sheet1'!C1:C2,2,0)" Range("F2").Copy...
  4. Luke M

    Search, Update & Insert a row in another workbook Table

    I don't think I understood that bit about disabling the AutoFilter line. In the file I posted, it should already be able to do your options A and B. Here, I typed the letter "b" and then hit search. I get these results: If I select Zuber line and then hit Ok: you can see that the tool has...
  5. Luke M

    Search, Update & Insert a row in another workbook Table

    After I posted, I realize it would be safer to specify which data/columns to copy over. I also wanted to make sure the filter on File 1 gets cleared when done searching. See this version instead.
  6. Luke M

    Search, Update & Insert a row in another workbook Table

    Don, Give this one a look. You might want to play around with placement and format of column labels on the list box, but this should give you a place to start. Many ways of getting the info to the box...I went with filtering the source table, copying the visible cells to a hidden sheet, and...
  7. Luke M

    Search, Update & Insert a row in another workbook Table

    Hi Don. Hope you had a good weekend. 1. Not sure what's causing your error, as it's working ok on my end. Can you confirm that wherever File 1 is located you/user has write access? I tweaked code slightly so that the Workbook.Open calls this out, but may be something that needs more...
  8. Luke M

    Search, Update & Insert a row in another workbook Table

    Well, drat. Looks like I did a bunch of work and didn't save it. That's no good. :( Take a look at this one, which really does have an Update and Insert macro fleshed out.
  9. Luke M

    Search, Update & Insert a row in another workbook Table

    Hi Don, Here's my changes to the file, which seems to have all the capabilities now that you want. I didn't make any changes to the sheet module code. In the General Module, I just commented out some of the MsgBox items. In Procedures, several edits to handle opening the File1, updating values...
  10. Luke M

    Search, Update & Insert a row in another workbook Table

    Hello again, Don. :) As you've discovered, there's a few parts to this problem. If we try to do thing with two different files, there's the issue of getting info to and from File 1. While you can read fairly easy from a closed file, I'm not aware of ways to modify the contents (w/o some serious...
  11. Luke M

    Search row Range in close workbook

    No need for a macro, you can do this with VLOOKUP functions. For instance, to get Inventory Value, formula would be =VLOOKUP($E$4, '[Master file.xslx]Sheet1'!$A:$J, 6, 0) The important part is the 3rd argument (e.g. 6) which says which column you want to return from your data. So, you'll use a...
  12. Luke M

    Auto Numbering Please help 2.1,...2.100+

    Try this formula ="2." & ROWS(A$1:A1) Copy down as needed.
  13. Luke M

    Copy from Dynamic column cell value to Static cell

    Looks like you just want to grab the last number from each row. A quick LOOKUP function will be your best route. In B3 of Sheet2, put this formula: =LOOKUP(9E99, 'Sheet1'!3:3) In B4, something similar: =LOOKUP(9E99, 'Sheet1'!4:4) In D3 =LOOKUP(9E99, 'Sheet1'!11:11) etc.
  14. Luke M

    What should I do??

    Please be more descriptive; an error occured, you got unexpected results, nothing happened, etc...
  15. Luke M

    What should I do??

    That's not actually a rule of this forum. @JAlandhar 201718 see reference thread: https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/remove-password.23208/
  16. Luke M

    slicer just freaked out

    @Lawrence429 Per forum rules, please remember to include links to your cross posts: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-charting-and-pivots/1232676-slicer-bulking-dates-together.html
  17. Luke M

    Saving file to location written in particular cell

    You can store the file path into a variable, and then use it later. General code cleaining: Sub kopiranje_baze_JELENA() Dim strName As String 'Assuming full file path strName = Worksheets("Uputstvo").Range("B14").Value 'Error check If Right(strName, 1) <>...
  18. Luke M

    My formula with 4 conditions doesn't return correct value

    The problem is that you sort the dates, which is nice, but then they're used as a criteria for the names. So, let's look at cells E19:E30. By the time you get to the first instance of 6/30/2019, your ROWS counter is already at 4, so it's skipping the first 3 names. I'd suggest using a hidden...
  19. Luke M

    Mail sheets to address in cell A1 - keeping format

    @Stephen Knight Please remember to include links to your cross-posts. Please count this also as a friendly reminder to read the forum rules. https://www.ozgrid.com/forum/forum/help-forums/excel-vba-macros/1203684-mail-sheets-to-address-in-cell-a1-keeping-format
  20. Luke M

    Third Level Formula Does Not Update

    The three are working for me. Verify that you had all 3 worksheets open in same instance of XL?
  21. Luke M

    Function Variable Not Updating

    @Davis Henderson Please remember to include links to your cross-posts. https://www.ozgrid.com/forum/forum/help-forums/excel-vba-macros/1203462-function-variable-not-updating
  22. Luke M

    X-Y Scatter plot using VBA

    @Abhishek Tripathi Please remember to include links to cross-posts in the future. https://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1230213-x-y-scatter-plot-using-vba.html
  23. Luke M

    Excel Number Formatting

    If value was in cell A2, you could use this formula in a different cell. =TEXT(A2*10,"#,##0.00,,, C") That fact that you're shifting the commas by one place is why we multiply by 10.
  24. Luke M

    Struggling with a formula

    If we don't care where the date lies within the range, could you do =VLOOKUP(A2, 'File 2 sheet'!A:C, 2, 0)+1 which should give you the date 1 after start date?
  25. Luke M

    Copying charts and graphs from Excel to Power Point

    Duplicate tread here: https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/excel-to-powerpoint.38399/