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  1. dawa

    Extracting all.....

    thanks Somendra you rock .... its was my mistake. Its working fine now. Solved
  2. dawa

    Extracting all.....

    i tried by copying down doesn't extract its only extracting santosh the 1st name cell
  3. dawa

    Extracting all.....

    Hi excel masters... a lil help .... Department Name receiving santosh receiving janak picking madan picking suraj putaway aman putaway giri closing ramu putaway hemant receiving hari when i type in the department(e.g receiving) it extract all the names of the employees related with receiving...
  4. dawa

    To extract return to work on the date

    awesome ... thanks. i just got what i want.. will try to learn.
  5. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    Thank you so much luke.... help appreciated.
  6. dawa

    To extract return to work on the date

    Hi all, Can any one help me on the uploaded file. The description is in sheet 2.
  7. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    Thank you luke. If we have to extract the data from multiple sheet how do we do it as from sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3 and sheet 4.
  8. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    You are awesome... and as usual always helpful. Thank You ............ Luke
  9. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    Thanks Luke, always as usual very helpful. I too want to become an Excel Ninja. I know few formulas but not the one that you know. What is the meaning of <> in the above formula and could you please send me the details of how you made the above formula so I can exactly know how you create it.
  10. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    Luke would you have a look at the uploaded file. i am stuck with out your help.
  11. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    Please check the upload file.
  12. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    i tried it out again but its only extracting SL, I need to include UL too..... 80539 has 3 occasion, 1-2jan-Sl(1st occasion), 6 jan-UL(2nd occasion), 13 jan-SL(3rd occasion).
  13. dawa


    Thanks everyone but i found out the simple way using vlookup... i just want the text formats. But the below idea came from you all..... jan nov feb dec mar jan apr feb may mar jun apr jul may aug jun sep jul oct aug nov sep dec oct
  14. dawa


    How do i get this. If i put January in one cell the other cell goes two month back i.e November. If i put October, then August and so on.
  15. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    na i have checked it out. its not extracting Ul please help. I have put the formula in cell I14.
  16. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    i will have a look again.......:)
  17. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    i have checked it out, the formula is awesome but its only extracting "SL". I need to combine both SL and UL. Any further help will be more appreciated.
  18. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    let me try, i will come back shortly
  19. dawa

    Extracting occasion occurred..

    Hi all, Can anyone help me on this. I need to extract the occasion occurred..... file is in the below link ... https://www.dropbox.com/s/0vs8cts8fgmpfoe/Finding%20how%20many%20occastion%20of%20Sl%20and%20UL.xls
  20. dawa

    date [SOLVED]

    ha ha ha thanks marked it as solved..... :)
  21. dawa

    date [SOLVED]

    Can you get Excel to return the name of the Day when you give it a date? Eg. 20-03-2013 is friday
  22. dawa

    Countifs [SOLVED]

    Thanks...i have tried it but may be there was some problem with my sheet but i figure it out and made sure from your tip. Thanks .. Marked it as SOlVED
  23. dawa

    Countifs [SOLVED]

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2pr4zq0ae9ktn9/Countifs.xlsx help on countifs......extract from multiple sheet...
  24. dawa

    Extracting Sl and UL

    i will be waiting for the solution......
  25. dawa

    Vacation [SOLVED]
