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Extracting all.....


Hi excel masters... a lil help ....

Department Name
receiving santosh
receiving janak
picking madan
picking suraj
putaway aman
putaway giri
closing ramu
putaway hemant
receiving hari

when i type in the department(e.g receiving) it extract all the names of the employees related with receiving so with putaway and others

Assuming your department list in Column A. A1 is header "Department"
Name list in column B. B1 is header "Name"

D2: you will input department
E2: Put below formula and copy down as per your need.

Enter with Ctrl+Shift +Enter as this is an array formula.

Just advise if any issue.

Press F2 by selecting the cell in which you put the formula and then press Ctrl+SHift+Enter. After this you can see {} around formula. If you saw them then copy it down, it will surely extract.
