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Extracting occasion occurred..

Thank you luke. If we have to extract the data from multiple sheet how do we do it as from sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3 and sheet 4.
Hi dawa,
The easier way would be to construct the same formula on all the sheets, in the same cell. You can certainly make the reference part (where it looks up the name/id) refer just to one spot.
=SUMPRODUCT(((INDEX(D3:F33,,MATCH('My Sheet'!I12,D1:F1,0))="SL")+(INDEX(D3:F33,,MATCH('My Sheet'!I12,D1:F1,0))="UL"))*(((INDEX(D2:F32,,MATCH('My Sheet'!I12,D1:F1,0))<>"SL")+(INDEX(D2:F32,,MATCH('My Sheet'!I12,D1:F1,0))<>"UL"))=2))

Then, to get the grand total, use a 3D summation that drills through all the sheets. So, if the formula is in cell I20:
=SUM('My sheet:Sheet5'!I20)