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Search results

  1. R

    Vlookup and sum multiple values in the same column

    Wow, completely over my head. But it seems like it will work. I'll have to study it for a while. Thanks
  2. R

    Vlookup and sum multiple values in the same column

    Hello, I've been searching multiple sites for a solution to this problem. I'm trying to lookup similar Text in column A and return the sum of all corresponding values in column J. I find vlookup is good for finding a particular value when the text is only found once in a column, but i'm...
  3. R

    Trying to paste a column on the left and automatically place a category to right

    Hi, I've looked all over for an answer for this and can't find any. I'm not sure it can be done. Here's and example. On the right i'm trying to come up with a formula that looks to the name on the right and puts a category name on the right of it such as Automobile and Groceries...
  4. R

    Look for a restaurant in one column and add Dining in an adjacent column?

    I'm not sure how to use that. I'm looking for something like this. =IF(B:B="Restaurant",then C:C="Dining") But i want to do that with a number of different categories. Almost like vlookup but i want it to lookup a number of words and return a word rather then a number all the way down...
  5. R

    Look for a restaurant in one column and add Dining in an adjacent column?

    Thank you bobhc, But what i'm trying to do is change a bunch of specific transactions from one column to read as a specific category in an adjacent column. So the idea is that it looks all the way down a column for a given value and then changes it to another value to the right of it. For...
  6. R

    Look for a restaurant in one column and add Dining in an adjacent column?

    Hi, I'm not sure where to even look this up. Thanks
  7. R

    How to use SUMIFS to determine all John sales from one reference date?

    Hi, I found a lot on adding sales between dates. But i would like to add sales from one date as a reference. I'm trying to formulate the sum of and extract all "John" sales since a beginning date. And then separately, sum all of his sales older then 14 days before the beginning date...
  8. R

    How to use SUMIFS formula where the 2nd criteria is in a single cell?

    Hello, I've searched the forum for examples of SUMIFS formulas. There's a lot on adding the total for a column when the criteria for two columns meet. But I'm trying to add a column when one criteria is in an adjacent column and the other is in a single cell on the same spreadsheet. Any...
  9. R

    Calculating catagory totals for a budget

    Thank you. I'll do a search on SUMIF function.
  10. R

    Calculating catagory totals for a budget

    Hello, I would like my spreadsheet to look for and total all Groceries and Gas & Fuel into 2 separate cells as i paste my banking transactions into a range of cells. Is it possible to automatically add all my Groceries and Gas & Fuel category's, respectively, using a function or Conditional...
  11. R

    Is it possible to format A1 red if A300 is shaded red?

    Unless there's an easy way to copy and paste just the CF, I have 21 seperate entries for each day of the month. It's based on the day of the month and the threshold set for each day.
  12. R

    Is it possible to format A1 red if A300 is shaded red?

    The link below is a adjustable monthly schedule for employees. C74:AG76 are my missing assignments for any given day. When this missing assignment for any given day of the week reaches a threshold it turns red. (Keep in mind that this schedule changes as i adjust A1)----I would like the...
  13. R

    Is it possible to format A1 red if A300 is shaded red?

    I'm trying to highlight the top of a schedule when a red cell at the bottom of the spreadsheet turns red.
  14. R

    How to auto shade A1 red if B1 is shaded red?

    Hello, Is this conditional formating? Thanks
  15. R

    Possible to have values follow days of the week in a monthly column calendar?

    Narayan, After working with the weekday function, i figured it out. Thanks for all your help. :) Mark
  16. R

    Possible to have values follow days of the week in a monthly column calendar?

    Narayan, When I change month the days of the week change automatically. That's perfect. This is an employee assignment schedule. Each day of the week has a predetermined number of hours that use. Such at 80 hours for Monday, 120 hours for Tuesday, 60 hours for Saturday. So these hours...
  17. R

    Possible to have values follow days of the week in a monthly column calendar?

    Hui, How does that function work? Will it change when i change my month in A1? I found the function in the tabs. Just not sure what to do with it. Thanks Mark
  18. R

    Is there a search box for this forum? :)

    Hello, I love the tags to the left, but a search option would be more specific for trying to find an answer before i post a question. How do i find my favorites for this forum? Thanks Mark
  19. R

    Possible to have values follow days of the week in a monthly column calendar?

    Hello, Is it possible to have numbers or alph/num follow the days of the week in an adjustable monthly column calendar? As i change the month the days of the week correspond to the dates of the month. Can i have certain values follow every Monday as i change the month...
  20. R

    Can I assign numeric values to specific characters then count the total?

    Thanks But it seems to just copy what's in B1 to E1 when I put the value "aa" in D1. https://docs.google.com/open?id=1-zZAeE0NijWLKbY6WJDoGwdFpVrLkHbOAwKbpzZD6x67g2yecZa3_TqpbCCl Radman/WorkingMan