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  1. J

    text from multiple sheets into one

    ...hmm.... you could run a macro that copies the same range (A3:a150) and then pastes it into Col A of your summary sheet.... but my main question is, with these getting updated weekly, are the always the same layout and size!?! if there is text in A3:A150 one week, will that cell range...
  2. J

    VBA to copy range based on Month (--VBA noob) [SOLVED]

    holy moly!! i think we have something!!!!!!! only testing on the pvc sheet at the moment, but it appears to be only copying the month that i specify!!!!!!!! eeeeeekk! but first... can you explain these lines/numbers (mainly the Cells( ) & Resize( )parts. not 100% sure i understand what/how...
  3. J

    VBA to copy range based on Month (--VBA noob) [SOLVED]

    i dont expect the location (rows) to change, only the cols (as months change)... hardcoding would suffice...i think but to answer your question, yes, there are 'department names' listed at the beginning of each departments data on the OPS sheet.
  4. J

    VBA to copy range based on Month (--VBA noob) [SOLVED]

    i may not be answering your question: but just like the sheets that contain the data im copying have the 01,02,03,...12 a couple rows above the actual data, so does the destination sheet... the main difference is the source sheets all share the same layout/cell range;just on different sheets -...
  5. J

    VBA to copy range based on Month (--VBA noob) [SOLVED]

    does that help at all?! not to make this harder.... but it may instead of doing an automatic 'current month' how hard would it be to let the user enter the 2 digit month they want to copy from? 0:-)
  6. J

    Most useless excel feature

  7. J

    having issues with chart formatting on refresh

    Example: I currently have 6 months Oct12 - Mar13. Oct is a light blue, then light rid, then light green, then light purple, light yellow, and finally light orange. this week we'll be adding data for April which will make the chart reflect Nov12-April13. when i refresh the pivot table and April...
  8. J

    having issues with chart formatting on refresh

    ok, feeling a little 'dumb' by not being able to figure this out... i have a chart that looks at the past 6 months of data. i changed the colors used in the chart but now when i updated/refresh the chart and get a new month, the colors change!! i created/saved the 'chart as a template' and i...
  9. J

    VBA to copy range based on Month (--VBA noob) [SOLVED]

    Luke i understand the difficulty... For march i would want the following to be done. -go to 'PVC' Sheet copy E5:E21 (because E4 contains "03" for March) -go to 'OPS' sheet and paste in R197:R213 (because R7 contains "03") ... this would happen for each "department": go to ____ sheet, copy...
  10. J

    VBA to copy range based on Month (--VBA noob) [SOLVED]

    i figured it would look a lot like that cleaned up!! thanks, Luke! 1. no, i'm copying from 5+ sheets. so right now i have the code i posted above repeating 5 times, each time with a diff sheet referenced in the first line. 2. Jan has "01" above it, Feb has "02" and so on 3. same format is...
  11. J

    Problems with an addition formula

    dont be a stranger!
  12. J

    Problems with an addition formula

    so with cust1: if i paid for 5 hrs and the customer uses 16.75 hours, i still owe for 11.75 hours...correct? but if i pay for 5 hrs and customer only uses 2, then i would have a credit worth 3 hrs...right? what i dont understand in your formula is your ValueIfTrue argument...
  13. J

    VBA to copy range based on Month (--VBA noob) [SOLVED]

    First off, I am very new; a 'newborn/infant' if you must, when it comes to VBA. I can accomplish the simplest of things to existing code, but do not know enough to write my own lines. so your help is greatly appreciated!! so heres what I'm doing/needing: i have a report that is ran each...
  14. J

    Using Vlookup across 2 spreadsheets

    your example would require 2 'table arrays' which is not possible in the normal/default VLOOKUP structure... as ysarchana provided, you'd need to utilize additional, nested functions to obtain the desired results. ysarchana's tip on the name is an excellent one. Ideally, you'd want a unique...
  15. J

    Using Vlookup across 2 spreadsheets

    absolutely!! your 'table array' would reference that cell range on the other sheet. on sheet2 in a1: =vlookup("CAT",Sheet1!A1:E100,2,False)
  16. J

    Dynamic Tracking of Players

    to start you'd want your first column to represent the date of the game (or however, you wish to track the date) then your players listed (this will mean that you'll have the day in A2 repeated each time for however many players you have, a filed for which team they played on, a field to...
  17. J

    Auto fill formula into blank cells

    not sure if im following exactly... but perhaps try this. since it sounds like you'll have a set patter (2 with the fomula & 2 blank) put the formula in the first 2 cells and then leave the next 2 blank. then select all 4 of these cells and use the Fill Handle (the black box at the...
  18. J

    Countifs or ...............................

    I'll just put this here so i can close my sample sheet: obviously, you'll need to correct the ranges and criteria to fit...i just set up a real quick example. if you want a individual count for the N/A's and Non-N/A's: COUNTIFS(C2:C8,"na",D2:D8,"bob") COUNTIFS(C2:C8,"non-na",D2:D8,"bob")...
  19. J

    Countifs or ...............................

    i cant open the sample file due to work restrictions so im kind of 'flying blind' but i'll see if i can help so you have a column (colAL) with some of the cells containing 'dhananjaya'. In colAJ you have either "#N/a" or "Non-#N/A". You want the total number (Count) of rows that containg N/A...
  20. J

    Dynamic Tracking of Players

    So a player ("Bob") could be on team A one week and then on team B another week? but these 2 teams always play eachother?! sounds confusing. do you (or do you want to) keep track of each weeks stats in the same spreadsheet? or would you have a new spreadsheet for each weeks stats?
  21. J

    Grading system

    if the score is lower than 60, do they still get the same grade (4)? if so: =IF(B2>=90,1,IF(B2>=80,2,IF(B2>=70,3,4)))
  22. J


    if it were me, and im not sure if this work or not for your worksheet, but a possibly easier way would be to simply enable filtering for each of your fields and in your first field (colA) just select the "TRUE" option... that way any Rows with False would not be displayed. ....again, it may or...
  23. J

    Edit/Update commandbutton in excel

    ...can you explain how you want it to work and what you want a user to use it for? what will the user be doig in the document?
  24. J

    How to pull a unique list of dates based on 2 criteria?

    you'll need to setup your 'criteria'. all this would involve would be: go to the sheet where you want the results and in A1 type "criteria" In A2 type Phase and in B2 type Person In A3 type Pre-Cert and in B3 type Angela HINT: Copy and paste may be better/more accuate than typing then go...