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Using Vlookup across 2 spreadsheets


New Member

Is it possible to pull in a value from one spreadsheet into another using vlookup? If so, can you give me the steps? thanks

absolutely!! your 'table array' would reference that cell range on the other sheet.

on sheet2 in a1:

ok so if i have data on one spreadsheet and different data on the second spreadsheet, how do I say to excel:

here is a record for Bill on spreadsheet 1 with his date of birth and here is a record for Bill on spreadsheet 2 with his address...from spreadsheet 1 go find bill on spreadsheet 2 and pull in his address from spreadsheet 2 into spreadsheet 1...how do I do this?

I thought it was vlookup but I don't see how i define that i have bill and am searching for bill....I have data point A, go find similar data point A and get data point B.

Vlookup seems to say here is data point A, now grab datapoint B.

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but try this:

Workbook 1:Sheet 1: A1: Bill B1: Date of birth

Workbook 2: Sheet 2: A1: Bill B1: Address

So you are asking excel to look from bill from workbook or sheet1 to match bill in workbook2 or sheet2 and pull the address: here it is

=vlookup(A1(from sheet1),A1:B10(range from sheet2),2(column index number 2 as address is placed in column b), false)

This should return bill's address

Hope this helps. However, please understand that doing a vlookup on names,is not a good practice, for the sheer reason that they might not be unique most of the time.

Good Luck
your example would require 2 'table arrays' which is not possible in the normal/default VLOOKUP structure... as ysarchana provided, you'd need to utilize additional, nested functions to obtain the desired results.

ysarchana's tip on the name is an excellent one. Ideally, you'd want a unique identifier (SSN#, employee #, etc...) to identify each individual/record. in your case, you'd want to have this identifier listed in each table so that you would use the identifier to return the desired results.