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having issues with chart formatting on refresh


ok, feeling a little 'dumb' by not being able to figure this out...

i have a chart that looks at the past 6 months of data. i changed the colors used in the chart but now when i updated/refresh the chart and get a new month, the colors change!! i created/saved the 'chart as a template' and i can re apply this to the chart and it works, but why is this happening? how can i make it use the same colors?
Is this a PivotChart? Pivots are notorious for not being able to retain formatting settings. =(

I currently have 6 months Oct12 - Mar13. Oct is a light blue, then light rid, then light green, then light purple, light yellow, and finally light orange. this week we'll be adding data for April which will make the chart reflect Nov12-April13. when i refresh the pivot table and April pops in and Oct12 goes away, the blue color that Oct12 (the 6th month) was, is no completely gone and the new month has a new (default?) orange color. there has to be a way to keep the same colors when the data is updated....

yes...its a PivotChart....and that SUCKS!!