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  1. Gandalf

    Converting currency formats

    I've tried this, but it is obviously wrong. anyone any ideas why. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim CurrRng As Range Set CurrRng = Cells.NumberFormat("$#,#00.00") For Each cell In CurrRng If cell.Format([£], "#,#00.00") Then cell.Format ([MUR]) And cell.Value * 50...
  2. Gandalf

    Converting currency formats

    Hi, many thanks I'm having difficulty uploading the file as it is .xlsm, will this link be OK? https://www.dropbox.com/s/46joen6co2hu2i3/MUMBC%20Balances%20Dev.xlsm?dl=0
  3. Gandalf

    Converting currency formats

    Dear All, it has been quite some time since I last posted here so it is good to be back. I have been preparing a workbook for my wife which looks at all staff and department costs and incomes to see which are profitable and which are not. As we are currently based in Mauritius for a UK based...
  4. Gandalf

    Path/File access error on save

    Hi Chirayu Thanks for your reply. I have tried exporting the VBA stuff to the copied workbook without success. The drive is a network drive so I don't think it is corrupted. I haven't tried the workbookpath code but I'll give it a go. Thank you for your help and suggestions Gandalf
  5. Gandalf

    Path/File access error on save

    Dear All I am close to tearing my hair out on this one :mad:. I have an excel file with some, but not too much VBA which works fine until I save it to another drive, the copy gives me the error message so I go back to the original and that gives me the error message as well. On both copies the...
  6. Gandalf

    Position a textbox if active cell is within a range

    Hi Narayan, Superb again, thank you. I originally had the Is Nothing but not the If Not preceding it Thanks again Gandalf
  7. Gandalf

    Position a textbox if active cell is within a range

    Hello everyone, I hope you are all well. I am sure someone will be able to help with this. I have a textbox on and excel sheet that I want to position according to whether the active cell is within one of 3 ranges or do nothing if the active cell is outside of these ranges. The code below does...
  8. Gandalf

    Is there a MODEIF formula

    Excellent Somendra This works fine - many many thanks Gandalf
  9. Gandalf

    Is there a MODEIF formula

    Thank you both I have uploaded part of the file and what I want to do is find the mode from column B where column A = 11 or find the mode from column B where column A =10. The result will be referenced by a cell in another sheet. Thanks for your help Gandalf
  10. Gandalf

    Is there a MODEIF formula

    Hello All, I hope that this isn't a repeat question, I have searched through the form. Is there any way I can have a MODEIF formula (a bit like sumif etc). Many thanks Gandalf
  11. Gandalf

    Sort a vba generated unique filter

    Thanks Luke - that works fine Best wishes Gandalf
  12. Gandalf

    Sort a vba generated unique filter

    Hello All I hope someone may be able to help me. I can generate 2 lists of unique data from 2 columns that I then use in list boxes on another sheet using the code below Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) ActiveSheet.Range("C2:C311").AdvancedFilter...
  13. Gandalf

    dynamically changing the forward plot on a trend line

    Hello All Finally managed it. I'm sure that all of you can do it better :-) so if anyone has any suggestions as to how the code could be improved I would appreciate it. " ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Trendlines(1).Select Selection.Delete...
  14. Gandalf

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello All, I am Alastair, also normally known as Ali and my user name is Gandalf. I am a J.R.R. Tolkien fan as you can guess from my username. Currently I manage, or more accurately help manage, the data for a secondary school in North London, UK (did I need to put that?). This site, as it says...
  15. Gandalf

    dynamically changing the forward plot on a trend line

    Hello Not sure if this will work but... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uen2wdj2kf64za6/HN0cSgKsan/Test%20variable%20range%20sample.xlsm thank you Gandalf
  16. Gandalf

    dynamically changing the forward plot on a trend line

    Hi Hui thank you for you reply. I probably didn't explain myself very well. I use the offset named formula but want the trend line to always finish at a set point. I have data going initially from say January 2012 to say January 2013 and the trend line forecast is set to go forward 6 months...
  17. Gandalf

    dynamically changing the forward plot on a trend line

    Hi All Can anyone help me? I have an number of excel line charts which dynamically change when I add new data every month. This data also has a trend line which I would like to always forecast forward a fixed number of months i.e. it would always forecast to 18 months from the first data point...