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Position a textbox if active cell is within a range


Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well.

I am sure someone will be able to help with this. I have a textbox on and excel sheet that I want to position according to whether the active cell is within one of 3 ranges or do nothing if the active cell is outside of these ranges. The code below does not seem to work

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
    Me.Range("U1").Value = "=ListPupils!" & ActiveCell.Address

    If Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("V6:AN19")) Then
        TxtBoxEnList.Top = 316
        TxtBoxEnList.Left = 1041
    ElseIf Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("V50:AN63")) Then
        TxtBoxEnList.Top = 933
        TxtBoxEnList.Left = 1041
    ElseIf Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("V94:AN107")) Then
        TxtBoxEnList.Top = 1548
        TxtBoxEnList.Left = 1041
End If

End Sub

Thank you for any help

Hi Gandalf ,

Change the code slightly as follows :
PrivateSub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
    Me.Range("U1").Value = "=ListPupils!" & ActiveCell.Address

    If Not (Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("V6:AN19")) Is Nothing) Then
        TxtBoxEnList.Top = 316
        TxtBoxEnList.Left = 1041
    ElseIf Not (Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("V50:AN63")) Is Nothing) Then
        TxtBoxEnList.Top = 933
        TxtBoxEnList.Left = 1041
    ElseIf Not (Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("V94:AN107")) Is Nothing) Then
        TxtBoxEnList.Top = 1548
        TxtBoxEnList.Left = 1041
Hi Narayan,

Superb again, thank you.

I originally had the Is Nothing but not the If Not preceding it

Thanks again
