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Path/File access error on save


Dear All

I am close to tearing my hair out on this one :mad:. I have an excel file with some, but not too much VBA which works fine until I save it to another drive, the copy gives me the error message so I go back to the original and that gives me the error message as well. On both copies the VBA listboxes are changed to normal text boxes following excels repairing process.

Has anyone had this problem or does anyone know a way round it before I lose the will to live and change sides to support Sauron!!

Thank you

I've not had such an issue, have you tried recreating the template by exporting theCVBA modules and forms to a new file? It may also be that the save drive itself may be corrupted or virused; or that the Path isn't recognized due to access issues. Have you used the ThisWorkbook.Path code?
Hi Chirayu

Thanks for your reply. I have tried exporting the VBA stuff to the copied workbook without success. The drive is a network drive so I don't think it is corrupted. I haven't tried the workbookpath code but I'll give it a go.

Thank you for your help and suggestions
