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  1. Busymanjohn

    Simple copy macro not working

    Hi, I have a simple copy / paste macro recorded ( as below ), but I keep getting a runtime 1004 error and when I look for an explanation into the error I see that this error is common with password protected files .... i've removed the password and i still get the error ,, i'm not very good with...
  2. Busymanjohn

    Match function not what I need

    Hi Jake, this works fine, thanks for the reply, appreciate it :)
  3. Busymanjohn

    Match function not what I need

    Hi, in cell AF14 I want to show how many columns in from Q14 to AE14 that the value that is =>3 appears, so if cell R14 = 4 then the result in AF14 would be 2, because that is the 2nd column in from Q14. The values that are => 3 will only appear once in the range of Q14:AE14, so the function...
  4. Busymanjohn

    Match function not what I need

    Hi, I am looking for a solution to a small problem. I have a range of cells ( Q14:AE14 ) that contain values varying from 1 to 5, in cell AF14 I want to return the cell that has a value =>3 ....... e.g. if the value 4 appears in R14, the result in AF14 would be 2 .... make sense?
  5. Busymanjohn

    Customised Drop Down List

    Hi, I am looking to be able to have a drop down list that has the ability to allow the user to have more than one choice ,, i.e. a drop down list of say employee names but if someone wanted to just show those that begin with A for example it will show every employee name that begins with A. Is...
  6. Busymanjohn

    Cell linkage

    Hi Narayank, That works, just what I was looking for, many thanks to both you guys.
  7. Busymanjohn

    Cell linkage

    Hi bobhc, maybe I didn't explain correctly ,,,, I have multiple sheets in a workbook ,,, over 100 ( yeah I know, gross, but not my workbook, helping out a colleague here ). So, what I would like to be able to do is this ...... there is a worksheet named 'FSM Paste' and another called 'FSM' ...
  8. Busymanjohn

    Cell linkage

    Hi guys, I have a worksheet names FSM and a second one named FSM Paste, in FSM I have cell A1 the text FSM Paste, in the same worksheet I want a formula in cell B1 which refers to A1 and returns the value from the FSM Paste sheet and say cell B2 in that sheet. In other terms, in FSM sheet, cell...
  9. Busymanjohn

    Manual Calc v's Auto Calc

    Hi Kris, yeah, I don't think there is a way to stop this happening, just becomes frustrating when I have workbooks already open and my setting is auto calc, then when I open a file from someone else and they are using manual calc, all my already open workbooks default to manual calc ...
  10. Busymanjohn

    Manual Calc v's Auto Calc

    Hi guys, I think I know the answer to this, but thought it worth raising. If I receive an Excel file form another person and they have been using manual calc, when I open it it sets all other workboks I have open to manual calc as well, is there a way to stop this happening? Version 2003!
  11. Busymanjohn

    IF a cell contains largest value

    Hi Narayank991 ,,, Looks good, I'll give it a test on the bigger data table. Thanks
  12. Busymanjohn

    IF a cell contains largest value

    Hi Faseeh, the numbers in Col N relate to the position of each contestant after scores have been added up ,,,, in this example though there are some which have the same score, so N6 = 1 means 1st place, N11 = 2nd place etc etc ,, so N1 =8th place as does N8 as they both had the same score. The...
  13. Busymanjohn

    IF a cell contains largest value

    Hi, I have loaded a sample file in the below link .... the results I want to achieve are in column N. http://www.mediafire.com/view/?rp3427olav09n61
  14. Busymanjohn

    IF a cell contains largest value

    Hi guys, I have a table of data, 12 x 12 that contain numbers, what I want to do in column to the right of the data is have a formula which returns a 1, 2, 3 ( thru 12 )if a cell within the table contains the highest value, second highest value etc ... so if Col C had a 10 cells that are zero...
  15. Busymanjohn

    VBA Code - Message Box

    Hi, Luke ,, excellent, that works fine. Cheers
  16. Busymanjohn

    VBA Code - Message Box

    Hi guys, looking for some help, I have a file which contains some VBA code that shows a Message Box when a number does not appear in a list, I would like to have a Message box appear when the number does appear in the list ,, so basically have a two boxes, one to say, "Does not appear" and...
  17. Busymanjohn

    Date Format incorrect - Excel 2003

    Hi Suresh, had already tried that ,,, doesn't help, must be something with the original Brio file ,, maybe the date is set as text within that source.
  18. Busymanjohn

    Date Format incorrect - Excel 2003

    Hi Luke, that's the one thing I am awaiting feedback on from the guy who owns the file. I just wondered if there was anything else we could do in Excel ,,, doesn't sound like it.
  19. Busymanjohn

    Date Format incorrect - Excel 2003

    Hi guys, I have tried various things to no avail and get get the date format ( some cells only ) in a range of data. The xls file is an extract from Brioand normally have no issues with re-formatting the dates form US format to UK format, but today some of the cells would not change, they stay...
  20. Busymanjohn

    Reset Drop Down List

    Hi guys, I decided to change to Active X controls ,,,, was a little against using them as the file is for someone who has limited knowledge of Excel ,,,, but no reason why they can't extend their knowledge right. Thanks guys, appreciate the help as always.
  21. Busymanjohn

    Reset Drop Down List

    Hi guys, this is fine for use with Active X Controls ,,,, I was using Form Control Combo Boxes and Button ( I have Vlookups working off the boxes ), however, I managed to find a piece of VBA that did the trick using Form Control buttons, but this code only works with one box, would like it to...
  22. Busymanjohn

    Reset Drop Down List

    Hi bob ,,, code is attached to a Command Button ,,, ComboBox1.Value = "<Select>" ComboBox2.Value = "<Select>" as posted by Dinesh above. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. Busymanjohn

    Reset Drop Down List

    Hi guys ,,, clicked on Design Mode and that allows me to Click the button ,, but i get a Runtime error 424 ....
  24. Busymanjohn

    Reset Drop Down List

    Hi Dinesh ,,,, doesn't work, the button is not clickable, I checked in View Code and the Click option is selected, so not sure why the button won't click when I hover over it, any ideas?
  25. Busymanjohn

    Reset Drop Down List

    Hi Dinesh ,,, not sure I understand what you mean ,,,, how do I attach that to a button?