hey budimu
i made one excel file in which column A and B are blank and only column C have data now i save the file as CSV(macintosh) format then there were all the column as before in excel... i mean its perfect converted i had no problem.
hey friends
i got it the line for background running the excel
appliation.visible = false
and on a particular time now i can get my file visible too.....
but thanks alot to all of you friends.
Hi sgmpatnaik...........
actually i made a task reminder but it can be run only with computer startup but now i want to do in my file is that when user put the time in the file for his work then at the same time the file will open automatically and macro too.
therefore i want to know that can...
i can run one excel file when computer starts but can we do something like that excel file run in background which no one can see then it is possible i think so?
i want that when user put the Date in sheet 1 cell A 1 then 2 days before the date comes the excel file will automatically run after start the pc...
For example if i put 20/12/2012 in A1 then i want that on 18/12/2012 when i start my pc then the same file will open automatically
is there any way?
I have 20 textbox on one user form and i have a command button now i want to add a code in command button like this:
If TextBox1.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "You must have to mention actual amount received in the month of Jan", vbInformation, "Amount Received"
Exit Sub
i want to add a combobox on userform and i want to add the list for combobox on userform too..
i know it how to add a combobox on userform with the help of excel data but now i want to add combobox on userform without the help of excel data...is it possible that we can add our list on userform...
hey thanks bro
its really working in background
but its really very very hard to me that how to shut down this song now....its continuously running...even i closed down the excel file too...
thanks in advance...dear
i have form 1 which have two text box and one command button..
and i have form 2 too with one text box only.
now my problem is that i want to put the value in textbox 1 and textbox 2 on the form1 and when i press the command button on form 1 then the total value of textbox1 and textbox2 should...
thanks shrivallabha
really its working when i open this workbook there automatically opens vlc player... actually when want that when i will open this workbook songs play but vlc player stay hide...only background music runs...is it possible?
Thanks again in advance
CA Mahaveer Somani
thanks suresh
its really perfect but i want some thing change in this code if u can provide me
actually i want to remove duplicates from column A along with corresponding cell in column b too
and i want to make sorting of column A with column b too....
if is it possible that code runs only...
thanks sudarshan
i already tried the same thing
but there is a problem my all array formulas destroyed from this binary formates and
there is name define problem also generate with this....
i want to make my "column A" sort A to Z... and remove duplicates too
suppose column A has 25 row fillup now then sorting and removing duplicates required 25 row only when 26th row fill up then 1-26 row sorting and remove duplicated required...so on...
is it possible from any formula or any...
actually i have a excel file in which there are 25 forms and there are so many formulas and so many macros and name manage macro etc...
my file is of 20 mb therefore my file is so slow...when i worked in this file
how can i make it fast....?
i have my data from column A to column N.
in which column G gets sometime value....
almost column G have no value...
now i want to hide the whole row if column g gets value but how?