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automatic open excel file


If Excel is running 24/7 I guess you could write some VBA.

If not, you need an application to schedule the file to open.

On Windows 7 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows7/schedule-a-task

But just Google scheduler and this should throw a few suggestions.


i can run one excel file when computer starts but can we do something like that excel file run in background which no one can see then it is possible i think so?
Hi sgmpatnaik...........

actually i made a task reminder but it can be run only with computer startup but now i want to do in my file is that when user put the time in the file for his work then at the same time the file will open automatically and macro too.

therefore i want to know that can we open an excel file in the running computer


can we run an excel file in background which no one can see therefore i can put the vba in the running file which will run at the certain time only...

Thanks for your time my friend
hey friends

i got it the line for background running the excel

appliation.visible = false

and on a particular time now i can get my file visible too.....

but thanks alot to all of you friends.