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hyperlink macro to same shape



I have a rounded rectangle shape, I have given a hyperlink to it (same workbook, different sheet), I also need to run a macro (its with me) from the same shape...however only the hyperlink criteria works when I click the shape the macro doesnt run....any assistance...

I tried using worksheet_change function but require some help...

'Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

'If Target.Parent.Shape = "Rounded Rectangle 11" Then

'MsgBox "there"


'End If

'End Sub

My suggestion is rather than having two concepts in one shape you can have the macro code for hyperlink also.


Suresh Kumar S
Thanks Suresh...but I have many such shapes and only one macro (it basically hides rows on sheets) which is applicable for all shapes....I mean then I will have to prepare many macros :(
Thanks Guys, cant upload a workbook in office and uploading sites are blocked.... I tried using your recommendations and has been stucked here:

If Selection.Shapes("RoRec1") Then Sheets("BU").Range("A9").Select

Any help.....
