hi narayank
yes i want that i can run a macro each time i want the output table to be refreshed....
actually i have a user form for save item name and category in column a and column b.....
but i want to make individual category list automatically everytime in assending order starting from...
sir really i am so confuse that how can i do this will u do this for me.......
i had shared a file on the following link
plz help this is my orignal problem....
i have a user form and there is a command button having a very long vba code therefore i want that if i would press this button then a green round (circle) should appear for processing......
otherwise a message should be appear like this:
Please wait....
Your file is updating.......
Is it...
Thanks shrivallabha
i have a vba code for excel sheet.. i.e.
Application.screenupdating = false
Application.displayalerts = false
Application.screenupdating = True
Application.displayalerts = true
how can i use the same code in user form?
can u tell me?
i have a command button on user form which have a very long vba code now i want that when i press the exit button then a message show like this:
Please wait......
Your data is saving....
therefore user can not click on screen, and when the command button have completed their work then message...
thanks suresh kumar ji
but i need only cell deletable vba code not entire row
becoz i want to delete only the certain cell which has no value but have formula.....
i have so many cells from column k1 to column N 100, which have formula but their result is "" (blank) therefore i want to delete all of them cells which have no value but how?
i have two columns
like this
item category
a xl
b xs
c xl
d zp
e xl
f xs
g yu
h xs
i xl
j xp
k xs
now i want to create all individual category list automatic like this:
xl xs xp yu zp
a b j g d
c f
e h
i k
but how?
becoz i have so 100 name of items and 100 category...
i want to make individual category list but how?
please check my following data and guide me please how it all the work can be automatic?
item category animal book boy fan girl god student user
a boy d h a j b g f i...