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  1. K

    Changing Date Format

    Hi Excel Community, good morning, my name is Keanu. Recently i was trying to find a formula that can change the Date format from DD/MM to DD/MM/YY. attached is the sample of the file, the data is based on the current year 2017, however the system only showing Date and Month instead of the full...
  2. K

    Combining Formula to look up in different excel tab

    Hi Hui, Perfecto :), thanks so much for your swift respond. I can do it now Cheers, Rico
  3. K

    Combining Formula to look up in different excel tab

    Hi Excel Ninjas, recently i work on excel template, and there is a challenge when i want to use a proper formula for the specific column (Total Sell Revenue) in Pick Up Report Tab. basically, what i want to do is a simple formula that can look up at Total sell revenue on Database Tab. However...
  4. K

    Formula does not work

    Hi Hui, Thanks for the advice, it works now :) cheers, keanur
  5. K

    Formula does not work

    Hi Excel Ninjas, I have a small challenge, where as excel formula is not given any result. i have attached the sample. I put formula on cell A5 and copy it across A20 and still give result of 2. Would you advice on how i supposed to do on this. Thanks, Keanur
  6. K

    Suggestion :Case Category

    Dear Admin and excel Ninjas, i'm happy to join this group since last year as it gives more knowledge about excel. i was thinking whether admin group can categorize the case base on the user skill (Beginner, Intermediate, and advance), this will help the user to find out the case based on...
  7. K

    Combining Name [SOLVED]

    Hi Hui, Thanks for grant it within few minutes. have a nice day! Keanur
  8. K

    Combining Name [SOLVED]

    Good Day excel Ninja, i want to ask you a question: I have table which contain First name on Cell A1 and Last name on B1, now i want to combine this A1 & B1 as the result for C1. do you know what is the best and simple way to do it in excel. thanks in advance. warm regards, Keanur
  9. K

    Finding DOB

    @ SirJB7, yes, i will visit my email and reply once i have a chance to see it. Thanks bro! keanur
  10. K

    Finding DOB

    Dear Dave, it is simple and great result, my case is resolved. Thank you man Dear Narayank991 cool formula, i have tried the formula. thanks Dear Bobhc, appreciate your link and advice Regards, keanur
  11. K

    Finding DOB

    Hi Narayank991, i tried on my excel sheet, but still not come up with the proper result. column E2 return to value (1) while E3 and soon return with #NUM. can you elaborate a little bit, i'm not as fast you. can you send me a link where as i can see how i can implement this :( thanks and...
  12. K

    Finding DOB

    Hi Hui, Thanks for the hand, infact i can't access my ex-----55@hotmail.com. i tried to reset the password but still could not make it. but yes, that is the first email i used to join chandoo. Yes i have some posts before and it is related to matching data by lookup different sheet, i think...
  13. K

    Finding DOB

    Hi Dave, Thanks for your quick reply. i tried to use your magic formula, some cell indicating no and some return to value. not sure, why u can't see the link as i have tried before posted into this forum. perhaps any suggestions. Thanks and regards, Keanur
  14. K

    Finding DOB

    Dear Excel ninjas, first of all, i just rejoined the community as i lost my previous password. here is i have table extracting from system and it contains No, Name and DOB and it is a big data as sometimes we extracted with a long date of range ( 1950 - 1995). i was trying to find specific...