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Search results

  1. Deepak

    Excel VBA to import outlook shared calendars

    Check this... http://www.minnesotaithub.com/2014/09/download-outlook-calendar-vba-example/
  2. Deepak

    Convert Multiple Excel files to single txt file

    You may do. Merge multiple excel in one then convert it to txt. Have a look here! http://forum.chandoo.org/threads/merge-sheet1-from-multiple-workbook-using-single-connection.33746/
  3. Deepak

    How To Resolve Type Mismatch Error-Set firstfound = found.Address

    I think it can be achieved by filter & then formatting .No need to loop.
  4. Deepak

    back dated data modification protection

    Rajendar Pls don't duplicate the post!
  5. Deepak

    Display alert = false query

    On workbook close event. Thisworkbook.close true It will close the workbook after saving without prompt.
  6. Deepak

    Adjust cell after macro.

    As far as I understand. Sav = Sav + [G30] [A30] = Sav
  7. Deepak

    To check if email was Sent or not sent and then do set of commands.

    It should be on the top not inside the subroutine Like this.
  8. Deepak

    To check if email was Sent or not sent and then do set of commands.

    Hi, Declare mail item object to public & then check. Public omsg15 As Object or Public omsg15 As MailItem
  9. Deepak

    How to get number of days in month if we know month and year

    =DAY(EOMONTH(DATE(2016,2,1),0)) =DAY(EOMONTH(DATE(2017,5,1),0)) Year & month are in bold.
  10. Deepak

    Pivot Slicer Refresh

    I failed to reproduce the issue. I have created the pt in Excel 2007 and changed the row heights. Upon refresh the pt row heights remain unchanged.
  11. Deepak

    Track Weekly Changes

    This may too... =IF(AND(A18:E18=F18),"Check","Difference") CSE
  12. Deepak

    Data in excel change proper format

  13. Deepak

    Reward value calculation based on cap

    Why not any reward for EE where as 50000>20000.
  14. Deepak

    Data in excel change proper format

    Why not you are used to share the all info in very first post!! Share the complete details with code/input/output if still looking for the solution!
  15. Deepak

    Data in excel change proper format

    Use Z358E154. or VBA like as below Range("G65").Copy Range("I63").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
  16. Deepak

    Return second last matching column value

    It will helpful to understand the logic. https://www.techonthenet.com/excel/formulas/aggregate.php
  17. Deepak

    Data in excel change proper format

    Choose Any one Format the cell as Text '358E154 AnyAlphabet358E154 ~358E154
  18. Deepak

    Return second last matching column value

    AGGREGATE is a very fantastic fn but in case you have xl 2007 then you may try this one. =INDEX($E$1:$E$10,INDEX(LARGE(($C$1:$C$10=G3)*ROW($C$1:$C$10),2),,))
  19. Deepak

    Extracting email ids

    Something like this... Dim s As Byte, str As String s = InStr(1, stremail, "@") + 1 str = Mid(stremail, s) s = InStr(1, str, ".") - 1 extractDoamin2 = Left(str, s)
  20. Deepak

    Extracting email ids

    You may also use instr as advised by sirjb7.
  21. Deepak

    Extracting email ids

  22. Deepak

    Extracting email ids

  23. Deepak

    How to get previous week’s Monday’s and Friday’s date based on today’s date.

  24. Deepak

    VBA documentation

    Oops!! You can't share your private conversation to others meanwhile idea is good for thread mapping.