Has been cross posted on https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pr...-or-not-sent-and-then-do-set-of-commands.html
Background :
The following code sends an reminder email. The code is designed to display the email (not automatically send)
Based on what the user chooses ("Send" or "Close the display") ; I want the code to do few things.
Code is
What I tried ?
I tried to put the "If omsg15.Sent Then.... End If ' olEmail.sent" inside the "With...End With". It didn't work as it should. It closed the email and did whats in Green in the code
Background :
The following code sends an reminder email. The code is designed to display the email (not automatically send)
Based on what the user chooses ("Send" or "Close the display") ; I want the code to do few things.
Code is
If Target.Column = 11 And Target.Value = Worksheets("Reminder Flags").Range("B5") Then
Dim todaysdate1 As String '## capture the user input'
Dim myDate1 As Date '## the date you want to add to'
Dim bufferdays1 As Double
todaysdate1 = Date
bufferdays1 = 14
myDate1 = CDate(todaysdate)
Dim dateaddition1 As Date
dateaddition1 = DateAdd("d", bufferdays1, myDate1)
Dim oout15 As Object
Dim omsg15 As Object
Set oout15 = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set omsg15 = oout15.CreateItem(0)
todaysdate1 = Date
bufferdays1 = 14
myDate1 = CDate(todaysdate1)
'Dim dateaddition As Date
'dateaddition = DateAdd("d", bufferdays, myDate)
With omsg15
.To = ""
.Subject = "DO NOT DELETE THIS EMAIL + Reminder to delete FTP Folder "
.Body = "Delete FTP Folder Package # " & Worksheets("Link").Range("A3")
.Importance = 2
.FlagRequest = "DELETE FTP FOLDER"
.FlagStatus = 2 'olFlagMarked
' .FlagStatus = olFlagMarked
' .FlagIcon = olRedFlagIcon
.ReminderTime = dateaddition1 & " 14:30"
' .FlagIcon = olYellowFlagIcon
.ReminderSet = True
.FlagDueBy = dateaddition1
.ReminderSet = True
End With
On Error Resume Next
If omsg15.Sent Then
MsgBox ("Reminder e-mail has been sucessfully sent")
Target.Value = "Reminder Sent"
ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
ActiveCell.Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
Else: MsgBox (" E-Mail not sent. Task will be reset ")
Target.Value = Worksheets("Reminder Flags").Range("B4")
'Worksheets("Email_List").Range("A2:G50") = ""
End If ' olEmail.sent
Set omsg15 = Nothing
End If 'Target.Column = 11 And Target.Value = Worksheets("Reminder Flags").Range("B5")
- When I send the email after putting recipients email, it follows whats in "ELSE" in the code
- When I close the display, it still does the same...
What I tried ?
I tried to put the "If omsg15.Sent Then.... End If ' olEmail.sent" inside the "With...End With". It didn't work as it should. It closed the email and did whats in Green in the code