Sub Multiply_Constants()
' Declare Current as a worksheet object variable.
Dim WS As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
' Loop through all of the worksheets in the active workbook.
For Each WS In Worksheets
Dim cc As Range, c As Range
Set c =...
I did a response a few years ago where a guy wanted a conditional colored donut chart
Have a look at my response here:
Welcome back @Jon Peltier MVP , It is strange as our first interactions with each other here at...
Consider each item in a row as an "And" ie: All criteria in a Row must be true to match
Consider each row as an "Or" ie: Each row allows you to say Crietria in Row 2 or Criteria in Row 3 etc
Your Data - Series 1 only
If you look at H4 to H7 and then the corresponding periods 12 months later you will see there is a strong negative trend
So going forward 12 months, i'd be expecting a large negative as well
I suspect that you don't have enough data or change the period away from 12...
That code works quite ok
Check that the VBA Sheet is Called Sheet2 as per the yellow below
The worksheet in Excel in my example is called Data
Check that there is data from A1 down, as it won't look past gaps in the data
Also check that Column A isn't full of Spaces
Can you post your file?
Hi Peter
That is an awesome solution
No, The FF Post never happened, I have been snowed under with work commitments and you probably notice that I even rarely post here any more.
The new Dyanmic stuff is really really interesting.
There are many advances that simple things, like Sort, Unique...
Can you tell us more about the problem
What is the file type and size?
How much RAM does your computer have?
What Version of Excel are you using?
What causes the error to pop-up?
There are techniques you can use to fix this
Remove all the styling in the workbook
Remove images from the work...
Firstly, Please read the site instructions
They tell you to start your own thread
Weibull functions are above my paygrade
1. Don't assume that some expensive software is correct
2. Check it with something like Mathmatica, R etc
3. Ask somebody outside the forums as you aren't using a...
You forgot to add [/Rant] at the end
Your summation is unfortunately very true.
I got over this a long time ago, when I realised that I get more out of this solving problems in different ways, to help both me as well as the other readers than the OP is probably getting from it...