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  1. vijaySharma

    Check 4 duplicate Copy format values of orginal's row over dupicate's row

    Tia, While you answer the questions put by Hui which are very valid... I made a few assumptions which are listed below. 1. You have both the lists in the same sheet 2. I have defined 2 named ranges... OrigStart and NewStart (which refer to the first entry in the list. Below is the code...
  2. vijaySharma

    Footers with user name w/o VBA

    @D-Designs, Here is a list of items that you can use with Headers and Footers... http://www.bettersolutions.com/excel/EZC149/VD724516331.htm And yes Luke is correct w/o VBA user name cannot be done. ~VijaySharma
  3. vijaySharma

    to find and replace in a formula

    Guity, When you press CTRL+F to get the Find dialog box, click on the "Options >>" button to view more options that are available. Now you should be able to the see the Look In drop down. HTH ~Vijay Sharma
  4. vijaySharma

    Can we freeze panes for only a part of the sheet and keep other part as normal

    Hey Max, No worries... 1. Press ALT+F11 to get the VBA editor on the screen 2. Click on the Insert Menu and then click on Module 3. Paste the below code Sub FreezeArea() Worksheet("Sheet1").ScrollArea = "a1:f20" End Sub Sub UnFreezeArea()...
  5. vijaySharma

    Can we freeze panes for only a part of the sheet and keep other part as normal

    Max, Is you need the scroll area to be fixed then you may use the belo code for the same. Worksheets("Sheet1").ScrollArea = "a1:f20" adjust the range as per your requirements. to scroll on the entire sheet again use the below code Worksheets("Sheet1").ScrollArea = "" ~VijaySharma
  6. vijaySharma

    Countdown Timer - live update in excel

    Arjun, 1. Create a new workbook 2. Press ALT+F11 to start the Visual Basic Editor 3. In the project explorer, double click on ThisWorkbook 4. In the code pane, paste the below code Private Sub Workbook_Open() UpdateMyClock End Sub 5. Insert a module... click in insert and the click on...
  7. vijaySharma

    need help regarding Excel

    Tanu, You can try out as explained by Srinidhi Or You can convert your data into a Data Table... and apply your filters whereever applicable HTH ~VijaySharma
  8. vijaySharma

    csv file with formating

    Apparently you cannot do this, Comma Separated Values Files only hold data in the context of Text (rather human readable format). ~VijaySharma
  9. vijaySharma

    New Chandoo.org VBA Forum

    @dhartikumar, If you disable both the keyboard and mouse; how do you want the end user to provide any input on the sheet? ~VijaySharma
  10. vijaySharma

    Concatenate in Text box

    @KSRST Assuming the 300 numbers are in cells A1:A300 Assuming the number by which you need to divide are in B1:B300 Select all cells in B1:B300 Copy Select All Cells in A1:A300 Edit - Paste Special Click on Divide Click on Ok HTH ~VijaySharma
  11. vijaySharma

    to get unique values

    Guity, I haven't come across that... can you mail the file over to have a look at.. ~vijaySharma sharma.vijay1@gmail.com
  12. vijaySharma

    VLOOKUP with Drop Down Box

    Please ignore my above post... I was thinking off tanget.. Your requirement is to be able to Autofill all the entries basis some vlookup.. this is working fine for all other heading... however at one specific heading you need the vlookup to provide you with a dropdown list to choose between...
  13. vijaySharma

    VLOOKUP with Drop Down Box

    Try the data validation as suggested by Dan... Just remember to uncheck the below... On the Data Validation window go to the Error Alert Tab un-check Show Error alert after Invalid data is entered Try this out and let us know.. ~VijaySharma
  14. vijaySharma

    Bold set color some of the text

    You cannot do this in the standard message box... however do have a look at the below.. http://www.vbforums.com/showpost.php?p=2019146&postcount=6 Another alternate would be to create a userform and make it look like a message box HTH ~VijaySharma
  15. vijaySharma

    VBA worksheet to MS ACCESS Table

    Try the link below... http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321686 ~Vijay
  16. vijaySharma

    Userform Issue

    Ramnath, Network is the issue here... possible workaround would be to keep the access database on a shared drive which everyone uses and then test the application again. ~Vijay sharma.vijay1@gmail.com
  17. vijaySharma

    How to retrieve the #N/A Value ?

    Guity, Please use the below formula in sheet 1 and let us know the results. =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A:B,2,0)),Sheet1!A1,VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A:B,2,0)) ~Vijay sharma.vijay1@gmail.com
  18. vijaySharma

    Copying the formula to a last cell.

    Spot on Luke...however I just included step 1 so that the end user was certain.... :)
  19. vijaySharma

    Copying the formula to a last cell.

    1. Select B2 2. Copy the formula 3. Press F5 4. Type B3:B55000 5. Press Enter / Click OK 6. Paste You are done... Max Fastest Way Possbile... 1. Click on B2 2. Click in the Name Box on the formula bar 3. Type B2:B55000 and press Enter 4. Press CTRL+D ~Vijay sharma.vijay1@gmail.com
  20. vijaySharma


    Second time this day I am sharing this link... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa730921.aspx Read through this article to improve performance of your workbooks... ~Vijay sharma.vijay1@gmail.com
  21. vijaySharma

    How to retrieve the #N/A Value ?

    Okay... the basic formala remains the same as per your original post... the only difference is, when there is no value found we will get a #N/A.. In the first part of the formula I am checking if I am getting a #N/A for the current value and then displaying the corresponding...
  22. vijaySharma

    Excel Formula to Identify similar Sounding words

    Ramnath Try the below link... http://allenbrowne.com/vba-Soundex.html ~Vijay sharma.vijay1@gmail.com
  23. vijaySharma

    How to retrieve the #N/A Value ?

    Guity, Not very sure if this is what is required... but below are my 2 cents... =IF(ISNA(INDEX($B$8:$D$13,MATCH(1,($B$8:$B$13=Sheet1!$B8)*(Sheet2!$C$8:$C$13=Sheet1!$C8),0),3)),Sheet1!$B8&Sheet1!$C8,INDEX($B$8:$D$13,MATCH(1,($B$8:$B$13=Sheet1!$B8)*(Sheet2!$C$8:$C$13=Sheet1!$C8),0),3))...
  24. vijaySharma

    Resetting Variant type

    Same here... I have tried calling using another SUB and used the immediate window as well.. Using Excel 2007.... not able to replicate your problem... What version of excel are you using... ~Vijay
  25. vijaySharma

    Get Sub Name In Cell?

    Indi, Ref the article from Mircosoft for this... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa730921.aspx Also has example code to test Range, Sheet, ReCalc and FullReCalc... ~Vijay sharma.vijay1@gmail.com