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  1. P

    Return value after multiple check

    Hello friends, i am in a fix please help me with my problem. i have uploaded a file on my box account Link: https://app.box.com/s/b2af1fqy1m2dua2vgw3o Scenario: There are two sheets, Sheet A and Sheet B In sheet A I have highlighted three columns Column D, H & Q. Columne D has a date...
  2. P

    Select data of alternate column

    I have an excel files with huge amount of data. I need to select data of alternate columns. can anybody please help with this.
  3. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    @ faseeh: it did give me correct result for the first case. but not for subsequent ones. Another manual testing is done for 2nd case and is updated please do have a look https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgDJ-TLtQDaydFhJTnl2UF9LU0NpeGJiNTMtbGpzUWc @ SirJB7: Problem still...
  4. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Dear SirJB7, The sample sheet is fixed and saved.. kindly have a look.. Thanks upfront!!
  5. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Oh damn me.. another mistake in the sample sheet... It should had been 266000 to 267000, 267000 to 268000 and so on.. my bad.. may be the pressure is making me do such blunders.. i apologies.. hope my repeated mistakes wont make you lose interest in the topic.. looking forward for the...
  6. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    @ SirJB7, No sir in the whole range F27:G218 only the following are falling between interval 266000 and 267000 1. Sr. No: 1 from 266000 to 270000 2. Sr. No: 2 from 266530 to 271000, and 3. Sr. No: 5 from 266420 to 266420. rest all are either a value equal to/before 266000 or equal...
  7. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Hello SirJB7, the formula is not giving me the correct answers. the uploaded sheet has been modified as per your suggestion.Some mistakes have been corrected too.. I understand that it is always better to keep it simple. Amendments are made and saved.. looking forward for a solution. Thanks...
  8. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    or do you think i should export all data to MS access to have a better control over the data...
  9. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Thnx sirJB7, that solved the circular reference error mystery. As of the data in Column H. it is not the actual problem is it is a formula to exactly locate the overlapping data suggested by Hui Sir http://chandoo.org/wp/2012/01/17/formula-forensics-no-009-2/. I actually forgot to do the CSE...
  10. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    I know the sumproduct should do the trick for me. But i am stuck when it comes to 'step 5 ' not able to formulate that...
  11. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    The above references are of file https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgDJ-TLtQDaydGoyUEdtLWlGZ2RlNXRtYWYxYjJMMUE
  12. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Hi Faseeh, Thnx for the post... I think i did not make my question clear to you... Yes the index function in column F you suggested is sure giving me results.. But my requirement is to get data in column L Which is the sum of all those results derived from index function for each frequency...
  13. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Hello SirJB7, a screenshot of the error message is here http://i50.tinypic.com/2sb93ls.jpg Although my main question still remains unanswered. A fresh sample sheet with elaboration of my problem is here...
  14. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Dear Faseeh, Thnx for ur time and efforts . But the formula did not help me. The results were still treated as texts making the same non-responsive against mathematical function being performed on them. However Hui Sir's formula did gave me the perfect results i desired. as for elaboration...
  15. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Please help me with this.. i have got a dead line... Google doc format: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgDJ-TLtQDaydDZYRzVjdDNLRW5BWlBJbk1nTjg1NVE
  16. P

    Another Brain Teaser

    Please help me solve these... the problem i am experiencing is described in detail in the sheet... https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwDJ-TLtQDayMGJWV2JrNXA5QWs
  17. P

    individual sum of series in a column separated by blank cells

    Thnx hui.. works perfect for me...
  18. P

    individual sum of series in a column separated by blank cells

    Hi hui.. its a relief to find you at this tym... the formula aint working for me coz for the first series it is giving me the right answer 48.2725 but for the second series instead of 58.36 it is giving me 48.2725 + 58.36 = 106.6275 Please help solve this...
  19. P

    individual sum of series in a column separated by blank cells

    Plz help.. Sample sheet attached... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgDJ-TLtQDaydHpDWjFLZFZIWFF6MVM1b2VaLUxHZWc
  20. P

    Returning last value of the continuous range

    Thnks luke the first formula with a little tweak worked for me. Thank a lot...
  21. P

    Returning last value of the continuous range

  22. P

    Returning last value of the continuous range

    Not working.. it is giving me the same last column value for every range. iam uploading the excel sheet. plz help me with it..
  23. P

    Returning last value of the continuous range

    To simplify my problem I wish to return the last value just before the next blank value in the column.
  24. P

    Returning last value of the continuous range

    @ luke, The formula is not working. since it is taking the whole column A as the array it is only returning the first value of the range.