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Another Brain Teaser

Hi pradhishnair,

I think i got it!!! :)


...Where following stands for "Named Ranges": 

[pre]Start:  $F$27:$F$218
End:    $G$27:$G$218
Qtty:   $C$27:$C$218

...and see this file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60644346/Fresh%20Sample%20Sheet_Chandoo_Resolved.xlsx

...hopefully I have understood the problem correctly this will finally solve the problem.

@SirJB7: Once again paid by no. of characters! Lolz ;)


Hi, pradhisnair!

Well, I see that Faseeh arrived with a new approach. In order to minimize resources use, I'll wait and see what happens. I wish he had found the answer.




I hope you succeed (so as I can rest for a while, let's say weekend).


PS: don't forget my 15% over your 0,15€/char you get paid...
@ faseeh:

it did give me correct result for the first case. but not for subsequent ones.

Another manual testing is done for 2nd case and is updated please do have a look


@ SirJB7:

Problem still persists.. kindly do have a look...
Hi pradhishnair,

I am not clear regarding your 'second case', i don't think you mentioned "a second case" in your lastly uploaded file? :) If there is still any other testing criteria i would request you to please enlist all of them at once, It will be easier for any one to give you a perfect solution! BTW formula is working just perfect for the lastly mentioned rounded off values. (Yesterday i tested it randomly). So there is nothing wrong with the solution if we stick to what had been requirement till last worksheet. Am I wrong? :)


You also missed Entry No. 05 in Methodology no. 02, It should have been 1,2,5,6 instead of just 1,2,6. Is that correct?

A partly modified formula seems to work (with an error of less then 1%), you may give it a try:


and the file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60644346/Fresh%20Sample%20Sheet_Chandoo_Resolved_2.xlsx

Kindly see the sample sheet, the value you have been calculating and mentioning in your example sheet has some problem.




It's all yours, buddy. The credit, of course :)

And if with such formulas you're not getting paid by char (at 0.15€/char with my 15% included) I don't know why do you write so looong formulas.


PS: All yours. And not only the credit :)
Hi pradhishnair,

I rechecked and found not even 1% error, that was an over sight while i was creating samples for you!! See this one:



What i get paid 15% is always yours!! :), this time i really forced to revise why i write so long! The gentleman is more interested in getting problem solved by you, in my opinion it is solved. :p

