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  1. P

    VBA for adding specific height to each row in table

    Now that is the answer you get from a guy who has more than a weeks experience with VBA! :)
  2. P

    VBA for adding specific height to each row in table

    I'm looking into a way of doing this. It would be nice if Excel had an Autofit property. But for doing all cells try this... Cells.Select Selection.RowHeight = value
  3. P

    VBA for adding specific height to each row in table

    Did you try range("a:a").RowHeight = value This will set the height of all the cells in a spreadsheet to whatever value is set to.
  4. P

    VBA for adding specific height to each row in table

    Perhaps something like this... Sub TestSize() 'Set Variables Dim cellHeight As Double Dim cellwidth As Double ' Read the height and width of cell A1 cellHeight = Range("a1").Height cellwidth = Range("a1").Width 'Tell you what the height and width is. MsgBox "The height is: " &...
  5. P

    Reverse lookup

    Could you perhaps use conditional formatting to highlight the cells that are as large or larger than your 10th largest value?
  6. P

    How to count records between 2 dates and a condition Part 2.

    Hanging my head in shame..... Thanks for getting me to check the string of "Closed". There were no leading spaces, however I should have been looking for the string of "Close". Ugh. I apologize for wasting your time, yet, am thankful for the help I received.
  7. P

    How to count records between 2 dates and a condition Part 2.

    I found this formula on this site to count the number of closed items between two dates. http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/hot-to-count-records-between-2-dates-and-a-condition =+SUMPRODUCT(1*(A2:A11>=E3)*(A2:A11<=E1)*(C2:C11="Closed")) It does not work for me. I have successfully...
  8. P

    Generate a sub-list on a sheet from a master list based on criteria

    I could use that, however, I was hoping for a single formula that would populate a bunch of cells that fit certain criteria without being copied down a sheet. I think it can only be done programatically in VBA.
  9. P

    Generate a sub-list on a sheet from a master list based on criteria

    I have this big spreadsheet. It is basically a list of documents that comes from a Sharepoint site dataview. The data is copied and pasted into Excel 2003. There is a column for the filename, and several text columns that help define the document. I asked here...
  10. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    Figured it out! Three columns of data, no problem, even 4. Sweet. Thanks to all for the insight and help! If Chandoo reads this: Thanks for the site. Over the past several days, I have become a big fan.
  11. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    Luke, Success! That seemed to have worked. Now the bigger question: Can this be done with 3 columns of criteria? Thanks a ton, you made my life a LOT easier.
  12. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    I am not trying to ADD column A, I am trying to COUNT column A if D and E meet the designated criteria.
  13. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    Luke Column A is TEXT! Perhaps this make a difference. This SUMPRODUCT formula is a mystery to me. Thanks
  14. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    Luke. Nope the result is 0. I tried wildcarding strings in the formula but no. I did figure out that I was extending the formula past the existing data and was getting an error. So fixing that I did get a result, the wrong one, but at least a result. Thanks for trying.
  15. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    No. That produced a lovely @Name? error. There is no IFERROR function in 2003. Thanks for trying though.
  16. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    Excel 2003 does not have Countifs. So I found this little nugget: =SUMPRODUCT(--(L2:L10000="*DRS*"),--(K2:K10000="Billing*")) Which now produces a result of 0. Which is not right at all.
  17. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    That did not work. The formula I typed: =countifs(L2:L10000,"*DRS*",K2:K10000,"Billing*") Results in a #NAME? error. I wonder if it is because I am using excel 2003. If so, is there a work around?
  18. P

    Counting items in column A based on partial strings

    I am trying to count all the items in Column A if Column D contains a partial string and column E contains a different partial string. So: Column D contains a cell with AB CD EF GH Column E contains a cell with FAST or SLOW I want to count everything in column A only if column D contains...