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Counting items in column A based on partial strings


New Member
I am trying to count all the items in Column A if Column D contains a partial string and column E contains a different partial string.


Column D contains a cell with AB CD EF GH

Column E contains a cell with FAST or SLOW

I want to count everything in column A only if column D contains EF and column E contains SLOW. And the strings could be in either upper or lower case.

Assuming there are 100 items in each column


Case doesn't matter.

Edit to add that if EF or Slow are part of a larger word, then just change the criteria to "*EF*" and "*slow*" This way, you capture the variable regardless of its position in the string.
That did not work.

The formula I typed: =countifs(L2:L10000,"*DRS*",K2:K10000,"Billing*")

Results in a #NAME? error.

I wonder if it is because I am using excel 2003. If so, is there a work around?
Excel 2003 does not have Countifs. So I found this little nugget:


Which now produces a result of 0. Which is not right at all.
Hi ,

Try using the following formula , entered as an array formula ( using CTRL SHIFT ENTER ) :


No. That produced a lovely @Name? error. There is no IFERROR function in 2003.

Thanks for trying though.

Search is the non-case sensitive version of FIND.
Luke. Nope the result is 0. I tried wildcarding strings in the formula but no.

I did figure out that I was extending the formula past the existing data and was getting an error. So fixing that I did get a result, the wrong one, but at least a result.

Thanks for trying.

Hmm. Extending past the range of data shouldn't have caused a problem since the ISNUMBER functions can handle an error and change it into a Boolean value. Are all cells in A2:A100 truly numbers (or blanks)?

The formula is working correctly for me. With this sample date

Col A	Ignore	Ignore	Col D	         Col E
1			this is effert	slow time
2			this is effert	slow time
3			not this	slow time
4			or this	        slow time
5			this is effert	slow time
My formula gives a result of 8 (1+2+5).

Can you confirm if your data is somehow different than what I have?

Column A is TEXT! Perhaps this make a difference. This SUMPRODUCT formula is a mystery to me.

I am not trying to ADD column A, I am trying to COUNT column A if D and E meet the designated criteria.
Then perhaps we can ignore col A all together?


This would return a true count of how many rows have "EF" in col D and "Slow" in col E.

Check out one one the recent formula forensic articles on SUMPRODUCT:


Success! That seemed to have worked. Now the bigger question: Can this be done with 3 columns of criteria?

Thanks a ton, you made my life a LOT easier.
Figured it out! Three columns of data, no problem, even 4.


Thanks to all for the insight and help!

If Chandoo reads this: Thanks for the site. Over the past several days, I have become a big fan.