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Search results

  1. S

    Senisitvity Analysis

    While running sensitivity analysis, i am getting the same result for all different scenarios. I am using data tables for this and one of my input parameter is linked figure which is calculated from other sheets. What could be the problem. Regards Saad
  2. S

    Problem in excel-

    They are based on formulas which is taking source from one sheet, i see that numbers are changing only for one year. though i have double checked that if there is any problem but couldnt find the solution
  3. S

    Problem in excel-

    When ever i am saving my excel document, i see numbers changing with minor difference. Want to know what this problem could be. Regards Saad
  4. S

    Asset Liability Cash Addustment Formula

    Dear Members, While projecting the balance sheet for future years, there is difference in the Assets and Liabilities side which i would like to take as cash. is there any formula through which automatically the difference is calculated in the cash balance. Since the cash is the part of...
  5. S

    Fixed cost and variable cost modelling

    Please check your email, i have sent it to you. I am sorry to say but this is quite urgent, i will look into your sheet and see if it can help me. In mean while you can check my email. Regards Saad
  6. S

    Fixed cost and variable cost modelling

    dear faseeh, sorry for late response, i am sending the sheet to ur email id.
  7. S

    Disabling the cell based on the other cell

    Dear members, I would like to disable one cell if the data is eneted in another cell. Any idea how do we do it. Regards Saad
  8. S

    Fixed cost and variable cost modelling

    Dear Faseeh, I know the cost heads but i am facing problem i setting up the sheet. I have developed the model in which i have input sheet which has many input variables and one of them is cost per unit. In water industry, we have cost per unit which includes depreciation as well. I have already...
  9. S

    Fixed cost and variable cost modelling

    Dear Members, Suppose you have the cost per unit and volumes to arrive at the total cost. Now whats the best method top break it down under different components with variable and fixed cost to use it in income statement. Since i am talking particularly talking about water industry, where cost...
  10. S

    If formula

    Thanks Hui, u are always of great help
  11. S

    If formula

    I would like to connect two cells which says id cell suppose D15=100%, then D19=100%, otherwise D19=95%*D15. i am putting =IF(D15=100%,D19=100%,D19=D15*95%), but its returning me false. Can anyone guide. Regards
  12. S

    Financial Model - Formula problem

    Dear hui, I have sent the file with the problem . It will be great if u can help me in solving the issue. Regard
  13. S

    Financial Model - Formula problem

    Dear hui, Can i have your email id where i can send the file so you can have a look at it. These sites are blocked in my office, so i cant upload the file. Regards Saad
  14. S

    Financial Model - Formula problem

    Dear, I am working on building a financial model in excel and have almost completed 95% of it but i am stuck at one place which seems to be a small problem but i am not able to solve it completely. if any one can help me then let me know.
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    Sorry to ask but from where should i upload. :)
  16. S


    Dear, i want my model to look neat and clean but since some numbers in some cells are big and some small, they r of different size. let me know how can i can i make it look tidy and uniform Thanks Saad
  17. S

    How to link derived value to its own formula without causing an error?

    Dear All, This might read wierd but i would like to solve a problem in excel where i am deriving a particular cost per unit for 20 years rate in excel model. In this particular case, we have costs of different expense items and volume of the product. Each year we have derived a cost per unit...
  18. S

    Keeping the Excel Chart Intact when its opened in some one else's computer

    Dear, I ma facing a problem in keeping the charts intact whenever i send my model to my boss and when he opens it, the excel charts are here and there. How can i keep them intact at the position where i have placed them. Regards Saad
  19. S

    Sensitivity Analysis

    Dear Hui, it was an excellent read and cleared many of my other doubts. But somehow i am still looking for solving my current problem. I want input to have an impact of inflation . for example when we are taking the base case ( for ef 2012 year) then it should use the input value but when it...
  20. S

    Sensitivity Analysis

    I am running sensitivity analysis on cash flows to calculate the IRR and NPV. My input numbers are Selling Price per unit and Cost Price per unit and Out put values are IRR and NPV. I am able to run it properly when input values are static. i mean these input values dont change every year and...