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  1. R

    Excel stop watch

    Ok, thanks . How do I upload the file. I will just upload what I am working on since its not a classified document.
  2. R

    Excel stop watch

    Ok first let me start off I DID NOT write this code. I like the way the code works but I need it to be tweaked a little bit. In column A I have a time (6:30) In column B the stop watch will run In column C is another clock and I am not sure what it is This is how this works now, I click...
  3. R

    Copy only first number of a column from a different sheet.

    You rock , I knew it was simple but just needed some expertise, thanks again
  4. R

    Copy only first number of a column from a different sheet.

    I tried the last formula but still and error. To clarify I am pulling data from the all records sheet and putting it on the second sheet.
  5. R

    Copy only first number of a column from a different sheet.

    I tried that also but pulling from a different sheet seems to have issues.So would this formula work ? =+'All Records-Department Specif'!=Left(H2,1)"
  6. R

    Copy only first number of a column from a different sheet.

    Hey, so I have a formula "=+'All Records-Department Specif'!H2".... which works fine to return data from the All Records-Department Specif sheet and place it into my second sheet. My question is how do I get only the first number of the H2 cell? I have tried every combination I can think...
  7. R

    email or reminder for a certain date

    Ok so in column A1 I have Samsung. Column B1 I have 11/15/2012 I want an email reminder 45 days prior to that date. The email can say anything as I will adapt it to the page I am working on.
  8. R

    email or reminder for a certain date

    Ok so I have accounts in Column A. For those accounts I have due dates, which I have conditional formatting set up to change cell color. My question is there an easy way to send myself an email 45 days prior to the due date. I am using lotus notes and it is ok if notes has to be open as I...
  9. R

    Formulas keep clearing out, how to stop that

    I am done with my book, but when I clear the data from the cells, I lose the formulas also. Is there a way to hide or lock the formulas in certain cells so they wont be lost.
  10. R

    First off , thanks to everyone....and a couple quick questions

    Cool, I will look into that, any thoughts on my second issue.. For the next issue, The formula here is on the first sheet. I want it to read A1 if it is today, Down the left side I have running dates so this book can be used for several dates. =IF(A9=TODAY(),A1," ") is the formula I have to...
  11. R

    First off , thanks to everyone....and a couple quick questions

    Could I use a less than and greater than statement?
  12. R

    First off , thanks to everyone....and a couple quick questions

    For the sheet issue, I have a counter set up for sheet 2 and 3. This counter will return the number of items in column A (on either sheet 2 or 3) to cell A1 on sheet 1. Sheet 2 and 3 are used for different reporting stats. They have the option to hide sheet 2 if working on sheet three and also...
  13. R

    First off , thanks to everyone....and a couple quick questions

    I know how to hide a sheet, but when I hide the sheet, the formulas do not hide. My first sheet is still pulling values from the second sheet. I also do not understand the time/date stamp. When i try to enter a date stamp, I get a 5 digit number. THoughts?
  14. R

    First off , thanks to everyone....and a couple quick questions

    First off let me say thank you to those who help out on here. You help us noobs learn something everyday. I have asked 4 questions, got many replies and I appreciate all the help. Tonight I was able to write my first formula without needing to ask for help. I was able to look at what I have done...
  15. R

    Easy one here.....

    That is so cool... So left (f3,1) tells Excel where to look....right
  16. R

    Easy one here.....

    OK so I tried the formulas. The first one worked but it always returned something. I had to leave the cell blank if there was no data. So the second longer formula worked, I just changed invalid data to " ". What did not happen is that it did not read the "Y" or "N" in a sentence. The type of...
  17. R

    Easy one here.....

    Thanks for the explanation and the help both of you......
  18. R

    Easy one here.....

    I guess I am not thinking like excel, but I am trying to learn this formula writing. I want H3 to show either 3 or 10 depending upon the answer in F3. If they put N in F3 I want H3 to return 10, if the put Y in H3 I want it to return 3. I tried it with an if statement =if(F3=Y,3),(F3=N,10)...
  19. R

    ok I know I am overlooking something so simple...

    when I use this formula I get 41176, I might be missing something.....
  20. R

    ok I know I am overlooking something so simple...

    I want to return 3 days from today! I have =today()+3..... but I need to use the workdays int. and I can not figure out where to put it. This is simple I am sure but I am mush right now. thanks
  21. R

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hey, I am Rob Walters and I am a noob, but hopefully not for long. I have only recently started using Excel and I am just fascinated at the program. I am a question asker for now and hopefully I will be a question answerer at a point. I live in the mid west. Peace
  22. R

    1 workbook, 3 sheets, return item count depending on information

    Awesome, I did have to put ' in front of my sheet names but thanks. I also had to translate the hoja word but that was a simple task. I would like to say I am getting the hang of the excel thing but my brain has not grasp everything. I will pick your brain one more time. On the left of my...
  23. R

    1 workbook, 3 sheets, return item count depending on information

    Ok I have been trying to get this using the "or" statement but I may be way off. I have three sheets, the first sheet, in cell C3 I want to show total number of items in column A of second sheet. I also want C3 to return total number of items in column A on the third sheet if there are no items...
  24. R

    How to have a date return if two conditions are met

    Awesome, thanks Luke for the ninja skills......