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1 workbook, 3 sheets, return item count depending on information


New Member
Ok I have been trying to get this using the "or" statement but I may be way off. I have three sheets, the first sheet, in cell C3 I want to show total number of items in column A of second sheet. I also want C3 to return total number of items in column A on the third sheet if there are no items in column A of the second sheet. I chandoo it using only one sheet but not both.....any thoughts. (Yes I used chandoo)....
Hi, rjwalters!

Try this:

=SI(CONTARA(Hoja2!A:A)=0;CONTARA(Hoja3!A:A);CONTARA(Hoja2!A:A)) -----> in english: =IF(COUNTA(Hoja2!A:A)=0,COUNTA(Hoja3!A:A),COUNTA(Hoja2!A:A))

Awesome, I did have to put ' in front of my sheet names but thanks. I also had to translate the hoja word but that was a simple task.

I would like to say I am getting the hang of the excel thing but my brain has not grasp everything.

I will pick your brain one more time. On the left of my sheet in Column B first sheet I have y or n. I tried to use the formula you gave me and add the = function to fill in the cell when they added something for that cell.

So long story short I only want this formula to work when they enter "y or n". Otherwise the cell the formual is in should stay blank. This way they can add new items on the second and third sheet and it will only count when they do so.

I guess I should ask this, if I get this to work, it will then reset all values instead of only that instance. The previous values should not change as the next one does. I may be getting to complicated.

I hope this is clear as mud..... anyway I will keep trying different things and again thanks for your help.
Hi, rjwalters!

I agree with you about mud clearness... Taking a blind shot, would this be what you're looking for? Otherwise consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output). Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.

