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Copy only first number of a column from a different sheet.


New Member
Hey, so I have a formula "=+'All Records-Department Specif'!H2".... which works fine to return data from the All Records-Department Specif sheet and place it into my second sheet.

My question is how do I get only the first number of the H2 cell?

I have tried every combination I can think of"=+'All Records-Department Specif'!(Left(H2))"

Hi Walters ,

I am not sure I have understood you correctly ; if you want to get the first digit of a multi-digit number in H2 , you can use =LEFT(H2,1).

I tried that also but pulling from a different sheet seems to have issues.So would this formula work ? =+'All Records-Department Specif'!=Left(H2,1)"
I tried the last formula but still and error. To clarify I am pulling data from the all records sheet and putting it on the second sheet.