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Search results

  1. N

    Daily Reporting - trying to use the correct lookup

    Hi, I got it solved this morning. I am using a HLOOKUP and I put the date at the top of the sheet and them I am using a reference to look up the next day so all I have to do is open the sheet, click refresh and all my data is there. I also looked at a learning thing here on how to format data...
  2. N

    Daily Reporting - trying to use the correct lookup

    Thank you. I had to pick one that was not blocked from our servers. Here is the link https://hotfile.com/dl/224842792/46d606e/sample.xlsx.html
  3. N

    Daily Reporting - trying to use the correct lookup

    Hi everyone! There are a couple of daily reports that I am responsible for that I am still doing a lot of manual updating and wondering if a H lookup will work. This is what I have: 1. The actual data is an Access database that updates every night. So when I open the report, I use a data...
  4. N

    Interactive Dashboards

    Faseeh - thank you. I will try to go through it.
  5. N

    Interactive Dashboards

    Hi everyone! I am very interested in learning how to do an interactive dashboard. I did download the Excel file that is the example, but I am having some issues understanding it, getting my "whatifs" to work, etc. I wanted to take the class, but my company did not have the extra money to...
  6. N

    Need a Trendline Report with Two Values

    Yes, originally that is what I wanted, but I realize it cannot be done with what I am trying to do. I have to entire values - for example the month so far are from January through April. I was just hoping to have a straight line for the budget number and then the varying line on actual.
  7. N

    Need a Trendline Report with Two Values

    I feel really silly posting this, but I have two numbers that I need to plot on a chart - YTD actual number and YTD budget (2 numbers total, i.e. 50,000 and 65,000)and I want to show how the actual number is trending on budget. If I create a bar chart, it comes up with no issues. I want this...
  8. N

    XY Scatter is not in line with Graphs

    Thank you for your help. I am not sure what my first chart was doing, but I re-created the chart and now it is working fine.
  9. N

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, I am Nikki. Hoping to take the class in Columbus, OH in June. Really interested in interactive dashboards. However, cannot watch the video at work since You Tube is blocked. I used to be an Excel/Access expert back in 2000, but have not used them since then and I need a good refresh...
  10. N

    XY Scatter is not in line with Graphs

    Hi, I am creating a trend chart to show my daily orders, forecast number and then the variance. The daily orders and forecast numbers are ina line format. Then I have my variance as an XY scatter. I am also listing the days of the month that we book orders and we are a day behind so the...