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Daily Reporting - trying to use the correct lookup

Hi everyone! There are a couple of daily reports that I am responsible for that I am still doing a lot of manual updating and wondering if a H lookup will work. This is what I have:

1. The actual data is an Access database that updates every night. So when I open the report, I use a data refresh and it gives me the information from the day before, that sits in my pivot table.

2. Then I go to the visual sheet with the graphs and that information is automatically populated based on the Pivot Table updated, except for the graphs.

3. I have a little spreadsheet on the side that I update daily actuals to refect column "U" instead of column "t" from the day before. So I manually have to update all of that for my graphs to populate the daily vs. actual and then have the variance as an XY Scatter.

My question is, is there a way that I can make this more automatated where I do not have to always change the formula to reflect the next day?
Hi, Nikki91775!

Consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output if applicable), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you. Give a look at the green sticky posts at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.

If not, maybe you'd extract any idea from here:


Thank you. I had to pick one that was not blocked from our servers.

Here is the link

Hi, Nikki91175!

Just to skip the learning process, do you refer to the "Daily Actual" AF5AJ5 and "MTD Actual" AF9:AJ9 of the "FOM DATA" AE2:AJ11 ranges?

And to the "Daily Actual" AF17:AH17 and "MTD Actual" AF21:AH21 of the "GPD DATA" AE14:AI23 ranges?

If so, how would you determinate which column from D:Y should you use?

Hi, I got it solved this morning. I am using a HLOOKUP and I put the date at the top of the sheet and them I am using a reference to look up the next day so all I have to do is open the sheet, click refresh and all my data is there. I also looked at a learning thing here on how to format data labels to automatically refect green or red based on - or +. So a sheet that would take me 10 minutes to do before will take me about 30 seconds to complete.

Thanks for your help. I am learning a great amount of Excel features from this forum.
Hi, Nikki91775!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
