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  1. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    That was it! Thanks to Narayan and to SirJB7 for all their help! In FTL speak..."You Rock."
  2. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    So first dumb question - where do I find the named range 1stPlans? Thanks - Ron
  3. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    Hey SirJB7- Here are both the original and other file. Yes a little disappointed I didn't hear back from him...$30 bucks is well $30 bucks... Thanks again. Original: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The version I was playing with...
  4. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    @SirJB7 - Hey there. I emailed him over a week ago and nothing...can you take a look at the above file for me? Thanks - Ron
  5. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    I agree OK. I will come back if I need your help. Thanks for at least looking into this for me.
  6. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    SirJB7- Thank you for taking a look at this. Yes I deleted the "home" sheet. When I close the workbook, I was getting an error on the home sheet (big red stop sign) that "I need to enable macros to use this dashboard." But I have the macros enabled. I can view the dashboard sheet just fine. And...
  7. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    Hi there. I have looked around the site and not found any info on the problem I am having. I am having a problem with Product 2 (Project Portfolio Template)when adding more than 10 projects to the dashboard. The 11th project does not pull the Activity Data into the dashboard. Here is what I...
  8. C

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Everyone - I'm Ron from South Carolina. I use excel in my project management work. I have read Bill Jelen's book on PowerPivot. I recently bought the Project Portfolio Sheet from Chandoo. I like it. I think it is a good template for when I create my own dashboard with powerpivot. I have a...
  9. C

    Problem with Project Portfolio Dashboard [SOLVED]

    Hi there - I am having a problem with adding more than 10 projects to the dashboard. In the Project Details Sheet: I use "insert" command to add more rows, number them (9,10,11,etc.), add the project names as well. Then I go to the Project Plans Sheet: I copy all of the last Table from...