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XML import and export

I am trying to import a MS Project schedule into excel, update the information, and then export it back into MS Project via XML format. the problem i have isn't importing, it's exporting back to MS Project in xml format. Any suggestions?
Good day

I do not think you can export your data from excel, you have to go back to MS Project and import it from there
Here is what I am needing. I have a project schedule. I then want people to update thier schedule by adding resource, hours, and work contours. work contours will not import unless it is in an xml file that I have realized so far. I want to be able to take the project schedule, have people add the resources and hours and select thier work contour and then append the project schedule to update it. Maybe there is a better way of doing this?
Hi, greg.begin!

Currently I have no project file handy, would you please consider uploading a sample Project file and it exportation to Excel? Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.

I am at work and all those sites are blocked. lets just say it is a basic schedule with 5 tasks. Task A through E. each with 100 hours of work. however, i want to export the schedule to excel, then have the control account managers to choose what resources (resources like resource A, and resource B etc...) and their work contour (front loaded, back loaded, double peak, etc...). then map them back to project. however, the only way to map work contours, that i can see, is through xml under assignments and work contuor, but i can't seem to follow xml and excel and convert the excel back to xml to then import it into project. Does that help? sorry so vague on tasks and resources but i have to.
Hi ,

MS Project is a complete project scheduling package ; why would you want people to update a project using Excel and then send the updates back into MS Project ; why not do the updating from within MS Project itself ?

Can you check out the following link ?


thank you for the response. The reason is because the schedules are only updated by "Planners," other people who status are not authorized to update and save project files. the solution i need is to go from one group to the "planners" group.
I believe in Project you can simply Select the rows and copy (Ctrl C)

Go into Excel and Paste (Ctrl V)

Make your edits

Then reverse

In Excel Select all data & Copy (Ctrl C)

In Project Select the same rows, Paste (Ctrl V)

I did what you said, however, the resources don't get properly assigned, the units changed so i worked on fixed work, then the duration changed, reset the durations. However, the work contour wouldn't even paste. I have to go to the usage sheet view and reassign the resources manually, then re-export the data and then re-pasted and still won't work. Is this a microsoft project bug. does any one have this issue with timephasing discrete tasks and importing from excel?