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X chart and R chart


New Member
I was wondering if its possible to plot x chart and r charts in excel 2010 using the existing charting functionalists in excel with no additional extension? Values for UCL, LCL and X or R and average X or R calculated in excel from a sample reading.

I realize this maybe a challenge in itself as I already attempted it....nevertheless, i understand that nothing is impossible in excel when it comes to this community...the challenge is up for the strong and witty :).

Alternatively, I will settle for any other solutions as long as it remains in excel and does not require expensive add-on's.

Thanks ALL.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

You can plot pretty much any type of diagram/chart with Excel.

It may not be ideal for it but it can be done.

I am familiar with UCL and LCL as part of Quality control charts but have never heard of X or R

Can you let us know some more about them or where we can see examples
Hi ,

There are a lot of useful articles in this link :

