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workbook size


New Member
Hi, I've got a workbook with about 6 worksheets, and it is about 3.5MB in size. I'm trying to reduce its size, as it is something that will be emailed out regularly.

I've done a bit of research online, and have tried all of the usual tricks (all formulas pasted as values, go to last row/column and delete everything past that point to make sure there is no 'phantom' data, reduced formatting etc), but this does not reduce the size very much.

I've narrowed down the offending worksheets 3x worksheets that have all of the source data in it, they are about 1MB each, and they use about 180,000 cells, and they are all values (no formulas).

My question is: for one worksheet that is using about 180,000 cells, is 1MB to big??
Hi, PremSivakanthan!

Yet tried to save it as a binary file (.xlsb)? That would downsize it more than what you described, I guess.

And about 1Mb for 180K cells, it all depends on cell contents. There's no fix rule to perform such calculation.

thanks, I'll give that a go. I've got a bit of code in the worksheet to drive interactive tables/charts, so I'm not sure if that will still work in a .xlsb? All of my data is just numerical, only text is in the column headers.

You loose no functionality going from a Standard *.xlsx to a Binary *.xlsb file except that the Binary files are smaller and open faster.
Hi ,

More info on these is available here :

