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wildcard in concatenate

Hi I'm trying to use ""*$" in a concatenate function but excel does't accept this.

The problem seems to be with the second " after the first one. Excel accepts '' but then this does not work for the sumifs.

complete formula is


I want to use the output in a sumifs function to avoid an explosion of separate criteria.

Anybody's help would be much appreciated!
I changed your formula removed ; put in ,.

For each ""*$" I put in H1, where cell H1 = $.

I entered "all" in each of the cells looking for "all".

Formula returned seven $'s.

I entered 50 in D4 and formula returned 50$$$$$$$.


I have no idea if this will help.


Hi Peter ,

If Howard's answer resolves your problem , my question doesn't matter , otherwise I am interested to know what you wish to do.

1. Where is this formula entered ? Suppose we assume it is some cell , say A1.

2. What should A1 contain for the following conditions :

a. E4 = "all"

b. E4 is not equal to "all"

c. E8 = "all"

d. E8 is not equal to "all"

e. E12 = "all"

f. E12 is not equal to "all"

g. E17 = "all"

h. E17 is not equal to "all"

What should happen when multiple conditions are satisfied , or if none of the conditions is satisfied ?

Thanks for you reply.

I was able to solve the matter in another way.

I needed the output of the concatenate to use in a sumif. I assigned a key to every condition eg apples = l , germany = k and I used a ? in case of an all value so that all values where summed for condition x in the corresponding place. say i wanted to sum all apples from all countries i would have *l?* as output for my concatenate.
