I'm working on a charting experiment that involves plotting over 100 series on a single scatter chart. The chart is fairly basic and the series are no more than 30 points each. I can add the first 54 series just fine but when I try to add the 55th or any others, they don't appear. No errors appear and the Select Data Source window shows them as added like normal. Strangely enough, they appear in the legend but not in the plot area. I understand that Excel has a limit to the number of series that can be on a chart but that's 255 and I'm nowhere near that.
I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm working on a charting experiment that involves plotting over 100 series on a single scatter chart. The chart is fairly basic and the series are no more than 30 points each. I can add the first 54 series just fine but when I try to add the 55th or any others, they don't appear. No errors appear and the Select Data Source window shows them as added like normal. Strangely enough, they appear in the legend but not in the plot area. I understand that Excel has a limit to the number of series that can be on a chart but that's 255 and I'm nowhere near that.
I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac. Any help would be appreciated.