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Why are trendlines different for a Scatter Chart and Line Chart

I created both a scatter chart and line graph for a set of prices on 1 object across 5 different months.

The graph itself looks exactly the same, yet the trendlines are completly different - just wondering why and when to know which type of chart to use ?
W/o seeing your source data, my first idea would be to make sure that the x-values are:
1. Sorted. Scatter plot will put things sorted, Line chart puts them in order you wrote
2. Equally spaced. XY will plot things changing the gap, Line chart (has option to) plot things equally spaced even when they aren't.
Line charts apply Integer and even X values to the data, starting at 1, regardless of the supplied X Values

Scatter charts use the actual X values

See below:

Hi ,

I am not able to reproduce your problem.

See the attached file , where there are 4 charts , 2 line charts and 2 scatter charts ; the trendlines in all 4 are identical.



  • Charts.xlsx
    14.4 KB · Views: 5
Only reason I can think of is that you have different type of trendlines from one chart to the other. Are both set to same type? (Ex. Linear).
thanks all - Hui's answer was spot on - it is the even values from a line chart that causes a difference - thankyou very much