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Whenever I am doing Alt + Tab to switch windows, I am facing a particular proble


Excel Ninja
Whenever I am doing Alt + Tab to switch windows, I am facing a particular problem.

Random symbol is generated in the active cell all of a sudden. I have a PDF file & an excel file, I am copying numbers from PDF to excel.

I am doing alt + tab to switch between applications, after 15-20 key strokes of Alt + Tab any random symbol is generated in the active cell.

Can anyone please help me to find out the reason for this.

As you've probably found out copying data out of PDF's isn't a perfect science.

My advice is start at the Top left corner of a table on a page and select and drag to the bottom right of the same table on the same page. Copy

Change to Excel, Paste

Don't try and copy across pages

Also sometimes you have to start at the Top Left of the data in the table and don't include the headers, Trial and error is required here

There are a few online PDF-Word/Excel convertors

You can google them and try them out