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When moving VBA the code becomes a spoilt child and does not work.


Excel Ninja
Good day all

Firstly let me say I know it's ME that is the cause of this......but I am not sure what or where I am going wrong.

I have a workbook with some VBA code in it (code is Luke M's), I have my Library workbook into which I am putting formulas/functions and now VBA code (slowly dragging myself into the 21st century), copying and pasting functions and formulas is not a problem (the fact I am still trying to understand some of them is another story).....but I am click in the top most left corner to select the full spread sheet and then pasting into the Library, the data is there and I have checked for the code but it is not copying across in to the spread sheet.

How do I copy and paste work sheets but keep all, including the devils work or better know as VBA

When you copy/move a worksheet by right clicking on the Tab and select Move or Copy...

any VBA on the worksheet Object in VBA goes with you to the new worksheet in the same workbook or a different workbook if selected

So It is up to you to ensure that any such vba is written in such a way that it is Workbook or even worksheet independent