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What does this code mean?

When you reset the games from the input tab it moves the games down as well Tab (Game 41, Game 42, Game 43 and so on up to 50) The counters are moving on those pages
I have it all figured out. FINALLY. There was an issue on how the books linked together and the reference of the names being linked too. Thanks for following a long and helping You have no idea how much you helped me determine what my issues were. I am in the process of changing some of my verbiage (language) to correct the rest of my books. The information in all the books you have and others have uploaded are useless full of bad information. I need some sleep and a nice long vacation an also a person trip some day hopefully soon to personally thank you Narayan!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE!!!!!!!!!!
First and foremost I want to openly thank Narayan for being so patient and helping me think through all this. The more I openly think about it and correspond the more I remember and fix. Narayan....YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!I have shortened the Macro to reset from 10 pages to just 2 lines LOL.

I do need help again. to correct the Letters (E-O) from being scrambled and I "think" I have it pin pointed IF I can only find the formula that I wrote LOL, this is a VERY complex program doing multiple complex things across multiple books and sheets. You have only seen a small portion of my animal LOL. I actually have 9- sheets all linked together talking and crunching numbers. I have 5 books all linked together that are 2 GIGs each. Yes 2 GIGS so as you can imagine my brain gets a tad been confused LOL. Narayan and others have been wonderful in helping me solve my own issues with what you have done thus far.

What I need

When I do a Game reset from the Input book, Input sheet by hitting the CTL SHFT L key which will reset back 1 game (the shortened Macro for the reset is on my Master sheet but everything else is the same) what happens is my Es and Os change. For example is I have in Game 50 EEEE and I reset back to Game 49 I should still have EEEE.
I just realized about half my post posted ug

what I need is when you reset a game any game so for example I will use Game 50 row 2 of the Input book Input tab. To reset a game I normally do one at a time so I press CTL SHT L which will move it down one row to Game 49 row 3. The numbers in IJKLMNO will move down to row 3. These numbers then feed the external books which will move the counter's UP 1 number depending it is E for Even, O for Odd U for Up or D for Down. When I say up one umber if the counter is 1111 it wil move one digit up to say 1112 or could be 2111 for example. Anyway, The Input book is linked to the external book. When you reset them back a row it also move the counters in the Games (Input book) back a game as well so for example the counter in cells 11 C 11D 11E 11F in Game 50 will move to 11C 11D 11E 11F in Game 49. Games 49 move to Game 48 and so one. All the counters work the same way. Now, the counters come from the external book called 50+ Numbers book tab labeled #1A-E-O same Game number in columns STUV. If you look at a counter from the INput Book any Game tab it will come from the external book (50+). When I do the reset is when my letters (EO) are getting mixed up so its obvious I have a formula backwards or definitely incorrect because some of them rest fine and others do not.

What I am looking for is someone to help me find the formulas that take the Drawn numbers in the Input book (tab Input ILKLMNO) to the external books (Numbers, 50+, OB) AND move the counter's from the External books back to the Input books different Games (tab Game 40, Game 41, Game 42 and so on). I am lost in my own little world but know once I find the formulas or the road map I can find my errors and fix them. I am so close to own creation I get lost LOL

Thanks yall. I will down load another book but remember they are all the same so don't think because a number may be out of place or something its not the same. EVERY page in the external books are the same just like EVERY Game in the INput book is the same

Again THANK YOU!!!


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