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What Does 65536 Mean Exactly In Range(A65536).End(xlUp))?

I understand essentially that using this enables you to select non contiguous data for selecting a column with random blanks as far as I know.

However, what happens if my rows surpass the number 65536?

Do I increase the number in the range?

Or is 65536 a particularly special number Excel reads and understands as "go to the bottom and shoot to the top with selection" -no matter how long the column is?
No worries Becha : )

The folks here on Chandoo will hook you up with what you need though, and I would answer your question if I could but I'm new myself.


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In 2003 and earlier, the max ammount of rows was 65536. Thus, by using it the original author's intent was to select the last row in the spreadsheet.

So yes, if you're using a larger spreadsheet, just increase this to whatever your max row, or whatever you need it to be (depending on what the code is doing)

EDIT: Note that if you want your code to be compatible in 2003 and earlier, you should not adjust the number, as it would cause problems.