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Warning Message to ensure Macros are enabled


New Member
Hi there, I have a team project file that contains one small macro. My team is not all excel savvy so i would like to put a warning message that forces them to enable macros before they continue.

I have tried to replicate the one chandoo has on his project portfolio but my VBA isnt as awesome as his lol.

I have also looked at the link chandoo has given but this involved creating and hiding worksheets, which seems like unecessary work.

Any ideas or code would be greatly recieved

Unfortunately, the idea of hiding/unhiding sheets is the best way to do it. Until macros are enabled, there's no programming we can do that will help out. (as it's disabled!) Thus, the only recourse we have is to do something physically with the workbook to let people know.
Well that makes perfect sense! in that case i shall use that technique.

On the off chance, do you know if this is the technique used by chandoo in his lastest project portfolio, as i think his is very proffesional approcach?


I'm not sure if it's in Chandoo's latest project. I was able to find this article which shows all the needed codes and step-by-step instructions. Hopefully it helps?
