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VSTACK ignore specific columns in array


New Member
Hi all,

When defining arrays for VSTACK, is it possible to either;
  1. Instruct the formula to Ignore specific columns inside the array or;
  2. Append non-adjacent arrays to each other to function as a single array?
I have data in columns E1 - P10. I want the VSTACK array to be columns E1 : H10 & P1 : P10. I have wrapped the VSTACK in a TOCOL function and I currently have the formula:
but the issue with this is that it deals with the array E - H first (stacking rows 1 - 10 in a column) then moves on to the array in column P. I need the VSTACK to treat the two arrays as one, so that for example, the value P1 is stacked before the value in E2.

It isn't just as simple as inserting column P into column I and extending the VSTACK array to E - I. The reason I can't do this is because columns E - I are already a VSTACK themselves, of another five-column date set.

Thanks in advance

EDIT: I'm aware I could just replicate columns E - H & P in five blank columns and create a single array there, but I'd rather avoid duplicating data to keep from unnecessarily bloating the file size.
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