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I want to do a vlookup, I read ur blogs but still cannot find an answer.

I have a list of employee numbers

Number	Number	Name
110	110	person j
109	109	person i
108	108	person h
107	107	person g
106	106	person f
105	105	person e
104	104	person d
103	103	person c
102	102	person b
101	101	person a
I want to vlookup the number but I want the name to be returned as well.

How do I do this?
I don't know why there are 2 columns of identical numbers, but wouldn't the formula be something like:


Where the first argument in the formula is either the number you are looking for or a cell reference.

it kind of works, thank you.

What i am doing is a report with employees, i have alist of numbers which is the first column. then i have a list of numbers and names that i have to match. if i do a basic vlookup all i get is the number match but then i still have to match it to an employee.

column a is the employee numbers only, column b and c is the number and name. w

i was looking for a formula to return something like this

110 - 110 person j

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

You will simply concatenate your results together

=VLOOKUP(110,A:C,1,FALSE) & " - " & VLOOKUP(110,A:C,2,FALSE) & VLOOKUP(110,A:C,3,FALSE)