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Vlookup w/ linked data from a network drive returns N/A# (sometimes...)


New Member
I created a template for tracking performance measures of employees at my office. Supervisors previously updated all the information manually. The template has a hidden table of vlookup functions to pull performance metrics of a few years worth of pre-named files. It pulls all the data from the existing files fine and gives N/A# for files not yet created. However, now that it is a new month, there is new data to pull. But, when I update the data upon opening the file it still returns N/A#, but only sometimes. This is used in 3 departments. One department didn't pull December, one didn't pull January, and one pulled everything just fine.

The really frustrating thing is when I highlight the cell with the formula that should work, and press ctrl+shft+enter for an array formula, it pulls the correct data.

I need to know why it won't pull the data automatically. My intention is for this spreadsheet to work automatically and through 2014 because of how I pre-named the links in my vlookup. One of the only things that I think might be causing the issue is that the files with the vlookup data are stored on a network drive and the template is stored locally on each desktop. However, I don't know why that would cause an issue when everyone has access to the network drive.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

I assume your on a Corporate type of Network and not a Peer to peer style network.

When PC's are first turned on they may not necessarily open a network connection immediately. One way to force this is say to manually use Windows Explorer to Connect to say M: or NetworkDirectoryetc manually first.

Then Use Excel you should have no problem.

Talk to your IT support people about this, they should be able to advise/fix