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vlookup, range name is in a cell, not directly in the formula


New Member
I have set up a vlookup like this:
=VLOOKUP($C11,DGPlus,H$2,FALSE) (which works)​
As per best practice the range that is being looked up is in a named range called "DGPlus".
(and the lookup value is in column $C, and the lookup column number is in row $2)
Now I want to have a series of vlookups in this model some looking at a range of databases.
So to do that I would put the named range for the database "DGPlus" in column $D. And have a formula like this:
(and in other cells I would put a different named range in column $D)​
Unfortunately Excel is not cooperating, and when I do this I get:
I have tried all sorts of things to try to get Excel to understand what is in column $D. Such as formatting it as text, etc. But I am having no joy.
Please help.
Or even knowing that it is not possible would be helpful.

Please Try this



Hope your problem solve other please inform


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Hi, JJ!
Take care that VLOOKUP doesn't work with INDIRECT and named ranges, if these ranges are dynamic, it works just with fixed ranges.
Thank you Patnaik, that worked:rolleyes:. I will add it to my list of tricks in personal.xls.
SirJB7, luckily I am only using fixed ranges in this model, whew.;)
With this help you have given me I will end up with a much better model, and the sources of all the numbers will be a lot clearer, which will help from an auditing point of view.
Hi, JJ!
Remember than unless part of the audit division team, i.e. being nice and normal and not hated people, one never should do anything -but the opposite!- to help auditing points of view... that they work and squeeze their brains trying to figure what we inadvertently obfuscated slightly :)