new to excel function,, and trying to learn.. can you please help me on the table below.
Beverage Fruits Vegetable
items Price items Price items Price
Water $2.50 Apple $15.00 Squash $10.00
Tea $2.00 Water Melon $10.00 Cabbage $16.00
Coffee $1.75 Banana $12.00 Lettuce $11.75
Items Category Qty Price
Lettuce Vegetable 14 FALSE???
Possible if I can combine IF,OR and Vlookup formula only as this was part of my assignment and the said functions has been discussed to us so far.
Thanks a lot for the help.. appreciate it much..
Beverage Fruits Vegetable
items Price items Price items Price
Water $2.50 Apple $15.00 Squash $10.00
Tea $2.00 Water Melon $10.00 Cabbage $16.00
Coffee $1.75 Banana $12.00 Lettuce $11.75
Items Category Qty Price
Lettuce Vegetable 14 FALSE???
Possible if I can combine IF,OR and Vlookup formula only as this was part of my assignment and the said functions has been discussed to us so far.
Thanks a lot for the help.. appreciate it much..