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vlookup for more table criteria


New Member
new to excel function,, and trying to learn.. can you please help me on the table below.

Beverage Fruits Vegetable

items Price items Price items Price

Water $2.50 Apple $15.00 Squash $10.00

Tea $2.00 Water Melon $10.00 Cabbage $16.00

Coffee $1.75 Banana $12.00 Lettuce $11.75

Items Category Qty Price

Lettuce Vegetable 14 FALSE???

Possible if I can combine IF,OR and Vlookup formula only as this was part of my assignment and the said functions has been discussed to us so far.

Thanks a lot for the help.. appreciate it much..

Hi Linda,

Welcome to Chandoo!

If it is your assignment then please tell us what you've thought of and tried so far. Otherwise, the point of learning assignment will be lost completely.

Thanks for welcoming me...

By the way below is the formula which I tried so far.. it's really eating my head....:(


is possible i can use combination of IF,OR,and Vlookup function only as this are the functions that has been discussed so far...

would it help if i can send the worksheet?? but I don't know how I will attach it..

Thank you so much in advance!!!
Below is the exact table, I want to put the price for the given items..

Table1 Table2 Table3

Beverage Fruits Vegetable

items Price items Price items Price

Water $2.50 Apple $15.00 Squash $10.00

Tea $2.00 Water Melon $10.00 Cabbage $16.00

Coffee $1.75 Banana $12.00 Lettuce $11.75

Items Category Qty Price

Lettuce Vegetable 14 =vlookup???

Water Melon Fruits 12

Banana Fruits 15

Water Melon Fruits 7

Banana Fruits 7
Hi Linda,

You can use the below site to upload the workbooks.



Suresh Kumar S

Uploaded the file to below link..


Thanks so much...
Good day erlindafb

Tried to open yo0ur file but password protected,user choice and preference as to the upload site...but do you think you could use some thing like Dropbox which does not have annoying time waits on the site :)

pls. see below.. sorry but our pc in not allowed to download any program.

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Thanks again!!!


Kindly go to the link at the bottom..

Dear Sir/Madam,

Welcome to the 2shared.com community!

Your account details:


Your login is: linbenavente@yahoo.com

Your password is: KBE*t2!*1m1v

To verify your e-mail address, please click on the following link:


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Hi Linda ,

I think the best way is for you to mail me the file at narayank1026[at]gmail[dot]com

I'll upload it for others.


P.S. I think despite all these posts , the problem remains the same ; the file has a password , which is not KBE*t2!*1m1v

If you have received the file from someone else , please find out what the password for opening the file is , and post that password here.
Hi Narayan,

Got the email, and thanking so much for the big help...

I've been trying to figure this out since friday..

thanks again!!
