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Vlookup does not return expected values.

Dear all,

I have the following Excel sheet.

In sheet1:C3:C10 I have the following formula


For some reason, however, the sheet returns strange values. Any thoughts on what goes wrong?

Image 0801 190829.png


  • sales_invoices_incasso_sample.xlsx
    13.8 KB · Views: 7
what results are you expecting - your looking up text , and finding nearest value with a TRUE , so text may return unexpected results because of the assignment excel gives to text

so you are looking up an exact value

you are including the titles on sheet 2 , so they are also looked up nearest value - i cant remember how excel assigns text order
Dear all,

I have the following Excel sheet.

In sheet1:C3:C10 I have the following formula


For some reason, however, the sheet returns strange values. Any thoughts on what goes wrong?

View attachment 84847
On your VLOOKUP formula, you've used the fourth argument, TRUE which stands for Approximate Match. Well, if your data isn't sorted you won't get your expected results. So, better you look for the exact match. So use FALSE instead of TRUE.
Here's the updated formula:


You can read 8 VLOOKUP Limitations in Excel to avoid this type of problem in the future.
