I have a Master data in Coloumn A and Input data in Coloumn B.
Now, I need to search each data of Coloumn B in all the range of datas of Coloumn A(i.e Master).
If that Input Data is present in Master Data,then I need to display “Present in Master” in Coloumn C, if it is not present then I need to display “Not present in Master” in column C.
Please give a formula for this type of display in Coloumn C.
I have attached the document in the below link:
Now, I need to search each data of Coloumn B in all the range of datas of Coloumn A(i.e Master).
If that Input Data is present in Master Data,then I need to display “Present in Master” in Coloumn C, if it is not present then I need to display “Not present in Master” in column C.
Please give a formula for this type of display in Coloumn C.
I have attached the document in the below link: